Is it normal that i'm scared i might move or cramp my heart?

One time I tried to flex my chest and ended up cramping my left breast, and one time while doing an ab workout I felt something like one side of an intestine move, so I'm scared that one day if I accidentally tap into moving my heart, that I won't know how to stop and I'll cramp my heart to death or have a stroke...

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24% Normal
Based on 21 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • thegypsysailor

    You could worry about an invasion by aliens instead; that's much more likely.
    I'd go online or get a copy of Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body and learn a bit about your body.

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  • Ebola69

    You better lay perfectly still then. Don't want one of your vital organs squeezing into an arm or a leg.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I have bad stomach and this will be my 3rd day off work

    just go away

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    • You're the one on my porch(question) go away :c. Sorry about your stomach though. And your lost wages :c.

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      • Terence_the_viking

        i meant the stomach ache.

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        • Oh. Sorry... The way it was broken off from your first sentence made it seem like you were talking to me, so yeah :c..

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