Is it normal that i'm scared of being put-under anesthesia?

I have a strong fear of being put-under (anesthesia or any sort of strong numbing drug), but mostly what I'm much more afraid of is coming out of it. I've heard that once you start coming back you say ridiculous things and sometimes have no knowledge afterwards. I'm really afraid that I'd say something hurtful, rude, or just something extremely embarrassing. I'm not scheduled for any sort of major surgery but I'm going to need to get tested for breast cancer soon, since I'm a high-risk case.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • VirgilManly

    I had a colonoscopy and after I vaguely remember the nurse telling me to let out any gas I had left and I remember asking her to pull my finger.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I was and still am scared as hell of it. I've been put under three or four times and usually, once they stick the needle in you, you're out. Not coming out of the anesthesia is pretty rare and most nurses will forgive you if you say anything stupid coming out of it, which is unlikely as well because you'll probably be too busy trying to figure out what just happened and what time it is lol.

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  • delling

    It's interesting that you're supposedly at high risk for breast cancer, but it's the anesthetic that you're afraid of. You sound like a slightly irrational but very courageous woman!

    I'm pretty sure I'd be scared of anesthesia, too. It's a vulnerable state to be in, and although the risks are relatively low, those rare exceptions can take center stage when you're in that situation.

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  • JustARandomNerd

    I've had to go under both local and general anesthesia about 14 times in my life. (Have been in and out of hospital too many times to count) I've had some bad experiences with it but tbh the worst part of it is getting an Iv from an inexperienced nurse. It throws off your sleeping schedule but besides that it is fairly calm. The only bad side effect I've had from it is waking up to horrible nausea which is calmed with some zophran.

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  • VioletTrees

    That makes sense to me. It's a big loss of control. I used to be really, really afraid to drink alcohol, because I was scared that I'd either say something really mean or tell all my secrets.

    Anyway, people say embarrassing things when coming to sometimes, but people know not to take them seriously. If you have to have surgery, make sure that you're around people you trust.

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  • hiya1

    I was just under anesthesia for a recent surgery and according to my husband I was saying "hey you, come here I have a question" to any person who walked by and then asking everyone the same questions over and over and over. So, yes you will most likely say things you wish you hadn't but on the other hand Dr.s know its not the real you talking. The day after my surgery I got a follow up call from the Dr who thought it would be funny to randomly insert something I said under anesthesia into the conversation as a joke. So embarrassing but oh well. That's always my biggest fear too when going under...spilling subconscious thoughts, but there is nothing you can do about it so just enjoy this deep wonderful sleep you will have! Basically they ask if your ready and then 2 seconds later you feel giddy and the room spins a little and the next thing you know youre being woken up and feel super good.

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  • thegypsysailor

    One of the worst experiences of my life was to be put under for an operation. Of course, in those days it was ether, which is no longer used, but I vividly remember the "decent into hell" as I went under.

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