Is it normal that i'm scared of parking garages?
There are just so many places for murderers to hide.
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There are just so many places for murderers to hide.
Pfft. It's not the parking you need to fear, it's your wardrobe.
HSSI said that statistically if a murderer enters your house they are 92% likely to wait for you in your wardrobe.
Normal. I felt that way about the one in the Roosevelt Field mall. Since there was so many people there, the fear kind of faded quickly.
Why are you worried that someone would want to murder you? Are you somebody special that deserves to be murdered? Did some fortune teller warn that you would be murdered in a parking structure?
Do you have any idea of what the odds are AGAINST your being murdered in a parking garage rather than dying in an automobile crash? Actually, the chances are that you will die in a car crash, if you don't succumb to some fatal flesh eating virus or other disease are very good. Riding in a personal automobile is the most dangerous thing most humans do in their lifetime and many do it almost every single day.
Even sailing across an ocean in a small sailboat is safer than your commute to work, statistically.