Is it normal that i'm so afraid of giving birth that i don't want to have kids?

I'm only 18 , but ever since I was younger, the thought of giving birth scared me. My mother was a midwife and she told me that it hurt a lot and I saw videos of women giving birth, and they were screaming and crying. The thought of having to go through this put me off so much that now I don't think I'll ever be able to have kids... I like the idea of having children to call my own one day and I think I'd be a good mom, but it's the just the giving birth I just don't want to go through it. It sounds awful and it goes on for hours and hours.
Also, I know everybody will say "oh, but when you hold your baby and look into its eyes for the first time, it'll be worth it and you'll forget all about the pain", but honestly, the thought just makes me feel so scared. And if I find a partner who really wants to have kids, then what will I do?

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Comments ( 27 )
  • theseeker

    As a male, I can't imagine what giving birth would be like. I've always thought it was an amazing thing how women carry a baby and give birth. That's probably the biggest reason I have a lot of respect for women.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Have you talked to your mom about the pain? Not all pain is created equally. Yeah, it hurts. But there are ways to manage the pain. And it only hirts during contractions. I was in labor for 28 hours with both of my children. However, it wasn't constant. You get breaks. And oxytocin rushing through the body is a natural pain killer. Your body was designed to endure the pain. The problem is that women tend to fight the pain or surpress it. You need to give in and let the natural functions take over. It isn't unlike an intense orgasm. That line between pleasure and pain slowly diminishes.

    It is understandable to be scared of the pain. But remember that it isn't the kind of pain that comes with suffering. For some, sure, but we are strong. We were made to do this.

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    • nameless-girl

      Quit lying to this girl. There's nothing "natural" about pain. When a kid comes out of the cunt that's natural, but pain ain't natural. I know

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      • howaminotmyself

        So, is is supernatural?

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  • BlueCarrie

    I'm nearly 20 yo old now and I was thinking about this the other day omg.i feel the exact same way you do. The pain and everything else scares me. To have something in you that moves.... It does scare me. And yes it's also one of the reasons why i don't want kids.
    I'm scared to meet a guy who wants to be a dad. I wouldn't know what to say to him.

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  • postmanlover

    adopt. doesnt even have to be a kid, yo0u should get a bird or somehitng.

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  • westoptic

    I've actually witnessed and assisted in a few births, one of which was a young, first time Mom. She had an epidural and fentanyl but her labor progressed so fast that neither drug worked for her, and she was able to feel pain and move her legs.

    She did absolutely amazing, and it was a vaginal delivery. As soon as the baby is in your arms, you get a rush of oxytocin, which is the same chemical released when you orgasm. It bonds you with your baby and acts as a natural pain killer.

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  • NeofelisNebulosa

    I have the same fear. I NEVER want to go through childbirth.

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  • thegypsysailor

    After childbirth the memory of the intensity of the pain fades away amazingly quickly, otherwise I seriously doubt women would ever have a second child.
    They do give a spinal to minimize the pain, unless you don't want it. I can't imagine it myself, but if evolution hadn't properly prepared women to have children, the species probably wouldn't exist in such great numbers.
    All that said, do the world a favor and adopt. There are already enough irresponsible cretins out there who pour forth their spawn in multitudes, uncaring of the realities of modern overpopulation.

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    • Ellenna

      How would you know, gypsysailor? That's an old myth from the days when women were rendered totally unconscious until well after the birth. I still remember the intensity of the pain from my daughter's birth over 40 years ago.

      Why would evolution prepare women for the pain of childbirth any more than it prepares everyone for the pain of cancer or a broken leg? Evolution is about survival, not comfort and in any event, it's evolution which has given us larger heads and the ability to walk upright, both of which factors effect the difficulty of birth in humans.

      I agree with the sentiments at the end of your post, except that adoption isn't necessarily a simple or trauma free event for the adoptees, either at the point of adoption or later in life.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Well, it may indeed be out of date, but it was a common thread in psych journals when I was in college and still is a common philosophy.
        Neither of my wives wanted a second child immediately after birthing, but but later both stated that perhaps it wasn't really all that bad. Go figure, according to you it seems they were both lying, for some unknown reason.
        I was only trying to make the girl feel better, but I guess you're telling me I'm full of shit and should keep my mouth shut, if I have no personal experience with something.

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    • Ellenna

      PS: I forgot to mention that I was totally in control of the contractions with the breathing techniques I'd learnt and had no pain until the impatient medical staff gave me an injection to "hurry things up", after that it hurt like hell

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  • putitinhoe

    here's what you do:

    1. adopt a newborn baby that looks like you

    2. get that little memory eraser flash thingy from men in black

    3. right after you adopt, have your future husband use it on you and tell you that you just gave birth a couple days ago and that you passed out from the pain

    you'll have no memory of adopting, so you'll believe your hubby and think you gave birth. problemo solved. you're welcome.

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  • shuggy-chan

    Cant you just have a C-section?

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    • putitinhoe

      i don't think the idea of a doctor cutting into her stomach makes her feel much better about the whole situation , lol

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    • postmanlover

      no u can't just chose to have it. there has to be medical resaons.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


      keeps her ole thang tight too

      somethin we can all agree is good

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      • wistfulmaiden

        About 70% of women in Brazil have elective c sections. It's a normal fear but between the c section option and the drugs you have good choices. If it's really bad, don't have any more kids !

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  • uhyeah1990

    think it depends on the woman and dumb luck. My brother came in the car on the way to the hospital my other brother and I were born in a few hours. My mom said my dad who is a retired marine was more of a wreck than her and had to wait in the lobby . My mom is built like iron woman and work's out a lot and is on some special diet.

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  • donuthell45

    of course it's excruciating and scary trying to coax watermelons through a tiny hole and no, I didn't forget the pain like you are supposed to. But I didn't forget the good times either. You are very young !!! And there is a lot of other things to do if you don't want to be a mother yet or not at all.

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  • answerme

    Just do it. It's all a load of crap 90% of kids were mistakes anyway.(including me:)

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  • mystery7

    My mother had 4 children and she told me she never had an epidural with any birth, yet never felt any pain.

    Apparently something about her body made her go numb naturally from the waist down during child birth. Perhaps a lucky accident of her physiology.

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  • Arm0se

    Why can't you just adopt?

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  • Ellenna

    Your mother is a weirdo to expose you to that: did she not also tell you about the joyful painfree births she'd witnessed? Nothing about epidurals?

    I don't think you should have children if you can't get over this fear because you'll be a nervous wreck throughout your pregnancy, let alone the birth itself

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    • she told me about her own births

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      • Ellenna

        So these scary vidoes were of her OWN births? Including your birth? That's seriously weird

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        • no no no, she used to watch these birth programmes called “one born every minute“

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