Is it normal that i'm so much of an atheist that..

Whenever I'm pissed off, it's sunny. When I'm at peace with myself, it's raining.
Whenever I'm asked to do something, I'm complained at because I do it wrong.
When I don't do anything, I'm complained at for not doing anything.

I am so much of an atheist that it sometimes leads me to wonder if there is in fact a God, and he just fucking hates me. And because I'm questioning his existence instead of flat out denying his existence, it means I'm no longer an atheist, which pisses me off even more.

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25% Normal
Based on 8 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • ObamaIfHeWasBlack

    atheists have the biggest fucking egos. if there's a god he don't give no shits bout you, son

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  • gladdy57

    If you don't know if there is a God, then you are an agnostic. If you know God, then you know He loves you. If you read His word, then you'll be educated on why things are the way they are on earth. So, do the work if you want an answer to your own question.

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    • AsterBean

      just the two choices?

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      • LloydAsher

        It's an absolute choice to be an atheist. To be anything other than an atheist is to be at minimum an agnostic.

        An atheist is adamant that there is no god.

        An agnostic is unsure about the existance/identity of god.

        I'm agnostic and I believe theres a God but I'm humble enough to understand that I, a mere mortal have no idea what god could actually be. The universe itself or a guy in the clouds.

        I dislike atheists mainly because they think of themselves as superior for the same way as the zealots do. They know the mysteries of the universe and are above the rest of us cynical types.

        My position comes from a legitimate unknown. Rather than absolute knowlage of the apex of reality.

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        • AsterBean

          I was referring to the comment of it either being 1) don't know if there is a god, or 2) you know "GOD" and you know "HE" loves you. That second choice is appallingly vague and pointed at the same time.

          Even you point out 3 choices, yes, no, and don't know.

          My biggest beef it this idea that you can define what god is for someone else. I know what god is for me, and it isn't a "he" by any stretch of the imagination. And that somehow you have to read his book to know him too otherwise you are agnostic? I am not agnostic, not an atheist, and apparently I'm not a believer either because I don't fit someone else's limited definition of what that means.

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  • Tommythecaty

    You must be fun at parties.

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  • didi_badoff

    dont make me rape you turd face

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  • normal-rebellious

    Yes, you're an agnostic and it's normal, it's fine, people hate on atheists and agnostics, they assume you're a fool, as Christians often do, you not being sure there's a God, God might be real, therefore religious belief's accurate, religious disbelief, as atheism, is the assumption of things you can't see, you assume God's not real because you can't see it. So go and read the Bible, and believe Kierkegaard in a cynical life and a way of life of your choice. You're also an antitheist, since you think God hates you. Your "disbelief" in God is simply making statements against your Creator, two thousand years ago that would've been part of religion and religious people would call this blasphemy, now it's an anti-religion and become accepted when long ago it wasn't accepted.

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    • LloydAsher

      I like to think I'm at least neutral to the idea of gods disinterest in mortals. I claim to have no knowledge in such workings. But it I was god I'd want things to work with as much autonomy as possible. Otherwise a diorama would be the more efficent use of your time for a pretty picture.

      Question becomes if we are an ant colony under inspection or just puppets in a play.

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      • normal-rebellious

        This about an ant colony, which, to be honest, is off-topic, and kind of strange, also disinterest in mortals, what kind of talk is that? For a pretty picture? I never heard such a normal thing, which is so close to "for preference", overall, you should stick to the gods in above comment before somebody thinks you're going off on a tangent.

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        • LloydAsher

          I'm talking about the idea of what god thinks reality is to him. Is our existance is a fluke, entertainment, or scenery?

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          • normal-rebellious

            Our existence is worthless, it's not worth knowing, there shouldn't even be a history.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Being angry about any injustice in your life isn't a good reason to be an atheist. You could still believe that God exists, just that he doesn't intervene in human affairs. I mean, he'd be a bit of a douche for not helping you out when it'd take no effort on his part, but still it wouldn't mean he couldn't exist.

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  • AsterBean

    I think you are overthinking it. It happens. If you were to believe in a god like creator, would you really want to believe in a being that openly hates you for shits and giggles? God isn't like some child playing with ants and a magnifying lens.

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