Is it normal that i'm so sick of cell phones?

-When I'm out driving, 9 out of 10 other drivers are looking at their cell phones.

-When I'm at work, customers are either having loud obnoxious calls on their phones or texting the entire time I'm helping them.

-When I'm out with my boyfriend on a date, I'll look around and other couples are just sitting there texting, not looking at each other or speaking. If I go and use the restroom, I'll come back and my boyfriend will be sitting there fiddling with his phone. He, like most other people, can't bear to just sit there "alone".

-I've even seen kids riding their bikes, looking down at cell phones while still managing to balance and keep moving. That was kind of impressive, but ultimately sad.

I mean, what the heck, people? I don't mean to sound like an old lady but seriously, this obsession with cell phones is causing people to walk around with their head in the clouds, and I don't get why they'd prefer a half-assed version of socialization rather than socializing with people sitting right in front of them!

I'm 28 so I was right on the cusp of the cell phone era growing up. When I was little we actually went outside and played. Remember playing? Like, running around and getting exercise and looking at things? And we didn't have cell phones. And I'm glad I didn't! Because now, I wish I didn't need one, but I feel like I have to have one. My family needs to get ahold of me, work needs to get ahold of me, and I honestly wouldn't feel safe going out without one since pay phones are pretty much non existent now. I still only use it for the basics; necessary calls and texts, and to take a picture of my schedule. Why do people have to go so overboard with this stuff?

Is it normal to be annoyed that everyone is friggin unhealthily obsessed with cell phones?

Voting Results
82% Normal
Based on 34 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Spankz

    All aboard the train! Choo, choo! I hate cell phones. I can't stand when I'm trying to have an intimate dinner with my boyfriend and he constantly checks his phone. My parents do it too! I have a strict "no phone" policy when in certain circumstances, it's only a personal policy, but I hate the dependency people have on them. Trust me, Susie's status updates aren't THAT important, she will likely just be talking about her recent shopping trip, so I can wait to see them.

    Unfortunately, people are addicted to knowing everything at any given moment. It's just ridiculous.

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    • Holzman_67

      Well said spankz.

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    • dinz

      I have a no phone policy when we dine out - the one who picks up their phone picks up the entire tab.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    theyre all checkin up on isitnormal

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  • Arm0se

    9/10 driver? Where do you live? o.o

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    • In Southern California. Trust me, it's not even an exaggeration. =(

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  • Holzman_67

    I share your sentiment 100%

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    Im curious to see how cell phones will intertwine with psychological disorders in the future. Even at parties you see people just sitting checking social media instead of being social. Approximately 15 million people world wide are affected by social anxiety and that number is rising. Something to thing about next time you pick up your phone.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    I miss when nobody except doctors and the president had them. Everybody is glued to their damn phone. 24/7( not me I don't even text!)
    I think we're gonna see a dramatic rise in brain tumors a decade or two from now, sadly even though there is evidence even now, nobody seems to care.

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    • Goomats

      Amen to all you said!

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  • regisphilbin

    eventually cell phone technology will become a prosthetic attachment on people's bodies so they don't even have to carry them around anymore.

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  • Eagwol

    you're not the only one. i have seen parents completely ignore their children because they were on their cell phone. i find it sad too, people let themselves get killed because of the last split second either killed them, or ruined their lives.

    i'm 29, i remember playing as a kid, was like a regular Huck Finn. always going off to explore, most of the time come home covered in dirt, mud, or just all wet, sometimes it even be some tar.

    i didn't own my own cell phone until i was like 26. just in case if i go off exploring and wind up in trouble. or for my parents to call me if something happens. i don't care to text, or talk on it. i just have it. i take pictures if i see something i like or a nice view, its my alarm clock, and i'll make note pads.

    i'm not a big fan of people losing themselves to a cell phone.

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