Is it normal that i'm so sick of cell phones?
-When I'm out driving, 9 out of 10 other drivers are looking at their cell phones.
-When I'm at work, customers are either having loud obnoxious calls on their phones or texting the entire time I'm helping them.
-When I'm out with my boyfriend on a date, I'll look around and other couples are just sitting there texting, not looking at each other or speaking. If I go and use the restroom, I'll come back and my boyfriend will be sitting there fiddling with his phone. He, like most other people, can't bear to just sit there "alone".
-I've even seen kids riding their bikes, looking down at cell phones while still managing to balance and keep moving. That was kind of impressive, but ultimately sad.
I mean, what the heck, people? I don't mean to sound like an old lady but seriously, this obsession with cell phones is causing people to walk around with their head in the clouds, and I don't get why they'd prefer a half-assed version of socialization rather than socializing with people sitting right in front of them!
I'm 28 so I was right on the cusp of the cell phone era growing up. When I was little we actually went outside and played. Remember playing? Like, running around and getting exercise and looking at things? And we didn't have cell phones. And I'm glad I didn't! Because now, I wish I didn't need one, but I feel like I have to have one. My family needs to get ahold of me, work needs to get ahold of me, and I honestly wouldn't feel safe going out without one since pay phones are pretty much non existent now. I still only use it for the basics; necessary calls and texts, and to take a picture of my schedule. Why do people have to go so overboard with this stuff?
Is it normal to be annoyed that everyone is friggin unhealthily obsessed with cell phones?