Is it normal that i'm terrified of failing at school?
Ever since near the end of high school, I have been an absolute nervous wreck when it comes to school. Any kind of test coming up, and I'm practically paralyzed with fear. I get sweaty and shaky when the test comes, and I can't stop thinking about it after for days! I hate the way I am. I'm in college now and it's just as bad as ever, I don't sleep very well, even my dreams are stressful. I feel like it is normal for people to get nervous for tests, but not this bad. It's absolute torture on me, I don't go out much, and when I do,school is the only thing that's on my mind. I don't want to fail a class and have to do it over again, have to do all that work again, have my entire semester wasted because I failed the class so now I have to do it all over again. I'm so scared, and I want it to stop. Is it normal to feel this bad and neurotic? I haven't been at ease in years. I can't really relax. Please help me.