Is it normal that i make my plushies do these things?
I have little cat and horse plushies that I do stuff with.
I like to ask for kisses, and I make them lean into me and rub noses with them. I also, in my head, act like they are answering me, as if I am reasoning with myself through my stuffed animals. It's like I say "oh gosh I hate that jerk" out loud, and, in my head, my plushie is all like "what did he do now?" So I answer verbally. Im verbally expressing myself through my stuffed animals
It's not that I actually think my plushies are actually doing these things, and I DON'T think they are actually talking to me, I just like to play pretend (at25yearsold...) and I am consciously aware that that's what I'm doing.
Is it normal?