Is it normal that i only eat chocolate but i'm still skinny

It's literally all I eat, a bunch of large Krackle bars, a cereal bowl of MnMs and lots of chocolate milk. For some reason I think it's actually healthy for my body because it makes me shit a lot.

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44% Normal
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Comments ( 10 )
  • thegypsysailor

    School's out and the kiddies are here!

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  • unionclocks

    Forgot to add my main point wow. Body types differ, and some body types gain fat easier than others. People who eat little with a body type that easily gains can get fat regaurdless of how healthy they are, and people who eat a lot who are skinny may just have a body type that doesn't gain weight as easily. But even with a body type that doesn't gain weight so well, you can still be unhealthy regaurdless of your weight.

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  • CanadianCowboy

    High metabolism

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  • RoseIsabella

    Enjoy it while it lasts, kid.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    That's not healthy. You're consuming way too much sugar and fats.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Of course it makes you poop. Cocoa has a laxative effect on the body. Nor does it have a high fat content.

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  • Ellenna

    Nice fantasy for a chocaholic but if true you must know this isn't healthy.

    People with malnutrition, some cancers, AIDS and end stage emphysema are thin too, but they're certainly not healthy.

    The opposite of obesity being unhealthy is not that thinness is healthy no matter how achieved.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Reminds me of a story I saw about anorexic twin sisters. Every day they would just have a diet soda and a packet of chocolate buttons.

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  • unionclocks

    "I think it's actually healthy for my body because it makes me shit a lot."

    Bro the more you shit the more shit you're eating. Poop is all the useless stuff that you're body can't use, so the more you shit the more nutrient-less stuff you're eating. And your body needs nutrients.

    Also skinny =/= healthy. My body size is normal but i'm sooo far from healthy lol. Healthy is being able to do stuff without getting out of breath, being able to pick up most everyday objects with little issue (honestly my muscles r so weak i struggle with doors sometimes lmao). Don't use weight/figure as a measure of healthy, healthy is how well all your organs and muscles function.

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    • seekelp

      Indeed. A person eating a perfectly balanced diet never defecates.

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