Is it normal that i post "nov shmoz ka pop" all over the internet?

"Nov Shmoz ka Pop" was a line constantly repeated in a comic strip by Gene Ahearn many years ago. I liked it when I found it and began posting it all over the net. I've probably posted it 2000 times. Is that normal? Of course, I lost my job, my husband left me, my children won't visit my home, I lost my house and live in an abandoned missile silo in North Dakota and practice Yoga farting in order to calm my spirit. But still, is it NORMAL!!!

Yowza! It be normal! 3
Whoopee, my dear, you are nearly normal! 2
Oh, well, bro, you're neither normal nor nuts. 3
Aw, Jeez, you need lotsa help, dumbo! 3
Oy, mein bruder, get thee to a nunnery! 6
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Comments ( 3 )
  • sugartits

    id put a baby in that

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  • Kandy Blevins is a total asshole. She lives in North Carolina with her husband, Dickface Blevins, who is a proctologist and carpet cleaner.

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    • Well you responded to yourself so I guess no one else needs to bother.

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