Is it normal that i predict things in my sleep

Hey so about 2 years ago now I have been having dreams about certain things happening through the day or natural disasters such as the cyclone img australia that we had last year or the earthquake in Japan or the Avalanche in napal last year. These dreams happen quite often. Is this normal, is this just me. Anyone who I've told has just said that its a coincidence or that I'm lying. But I have these dreams about a month before they happen( add or take a few weeks). Is this normal???

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56% Normal
Based on 25 votes (14 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • @$i

    Dont panic ; its really a blessing ; when you have any prediction please inform me kindly !!

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    • ShootMe

      Last night I saw 3 symbols (I think Japanese). My friend is fluent in it and I've asked him to translate it I'll tell you what it means when I find out

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  • CreativeThinker

    Not exactly normal and not very common but it happens to many people Some have dreams predicting only events of their own life and some can predict events on international level, Some get clear picture and some get hints .... this is true .... you are one of those blessed souls thats all I can say (if you are not lying)

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    • ShootMe

      But why does it happen??? Why am I blessed what does it mean

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      • CreativeThinker

        Since the phenomena doesn't belong to science of matter therefore no proper research has been conducted on this , Everything we know so far is just based upon observations, As as a scientific explanation we may say that some people are born with certain active cells of brain which helps in receiving future info from undefined sources by means of dream or other ESP

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  • kasaikitsune12

    what are you?psychic?

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  • matthewkoehler

    Yeah it's called déjà vu

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  • bittermayonnaise

    I'm going to create another post about my experience, have you had any dreams recently with stuff that hasn't happened yet?

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    • I.D.K

      Nothing stands out but as soon as It happens I'm like.. Oh wait HOLY SHIT
      So nothing that comes to mind

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      • _Jesus_

        That's exactly what happens to me. When it happens I am like HOLY SHIT and instantly remember I dreamt of it and know the ending. One time I actually changed the outcome.

        But never anything major like disasters. Just stuff that happens to me or that involves me.

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      • bittermayonnaise

        I had a dream about about a boy who went missing 2 years ago, do you think I should tell the cops?

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        • I.D.K

          1. They'll call you crazy or 'uncreditable' like the psychic twins
          2. Yeah you probably did just think about that happening after it happend

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  • Rusty-Rider

    It's a coincidence or you're lying.
    It's impossible to predict the future.

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  • _Mehhh_

    I don't know how common this is, but I've heard of it before

    My Mom has a friend who predicted deaths and other misfortunes in her sleep.

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