Is it normal that i prefer coin slot pussies?
I love women with neat, tight pussies, canโt stand hanging curtains.
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I love women with neat, tight pussies, canโt stand hanging curtains.
Another tip of the hat to porn fucking up peoples perception of sex/the human body.
Totally agree.
Doing a Google for "vagina collage wikimedia commons" results in links to several collections which show the wide variation in female genitals. (Although it does irk me that they use the word "vagina" in the title when they obviously mean "vulva"; I haven't seen any speculum-aided views of an actual vagina in any of those collections.)
What really annoys me is that exposure to "perfect pussies" - as determined by the porn industry - leads many girls and young women to believe that a part of their anatomy they tend to feel some degree of discomfort about already is ugly or abnormal. This can either be by them comparing what they see in porn with what they see in a mirror or, even worse, an ignorant guy they have feelings for saying something crass and insensitive when he sees her genitals.
FYI For me it has nothing to do with porno. I felt this way long before I ever saw my first porno movie. I just think it looks like their guts are hanging out. A lot like some women are turned off by low hanging balls.
"Curtains" actually have nothing to do with how tight or loose a woman's vagina is, and contrary to popular belief, it has nothing to do with age or how much sex a woman has had (or how much they've masturbated, as I've also heard that rumor before). It is the way those women are made, and there isn't anything that can be done for it short of surgery (which can result in a loss of feeling/sensitivity in that area, which can in turn affect sexual pleasure). It is simply the labia minora being larger/longer.
As for your question, it's perfectly normal to have preferences.
The foetal tissue that develops into the inner labia of an infant girl develops into the scrotum of an infant boy. I haven't checked - and I have no idea if anyone has ever investigated in any case - but I assume the sensory nerve ending count will be about the same. Although since the labia are much smaller than the scrotum, the density of those nerve endings will be greater for a woman. So I wouldn't find it all surprising if a woman found the sensations from her vulva different - possibly very different - after some of her inner labia were sliced off.
I do find it kinda funny how labiaplasty is a well-known thing, but I've never heard of plastic surgeons offering a procedure where they shear off some of the scrotum and convert a guy's droopy balls into a nice, pert nutsack.
Normal to have preferences but don't say shit like "I can't stand such and such". All that does is make the people who have what you say you "can't stand" really self-conscious about themselves.
It's the same as a girl saying "I prefer an uncut cock, can't stand when a guy has no foreskin, it just looks weird"
Do they poop out money to you if you win the jackpot?๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
If she has a nice asshole that will distract you from the curtains. The curtains arent that bad anyway tho. The older they get the more curtains sag. Getchu a 18yo chic for the coin slot pussy
Sir, I believe you to be saddly un-educated. Pussies are for cocks and not coins. I've had many cocks but yet to get a coin in mine.
I feel the same way. Fortunately, all of the pussies I've licked have been tiny and tight. And of legal age, for those who want to pervert my comment!
A well trim lady is sexy and a turn on an there's nothing wrong with hairy bush, I just prefer a trim just saying!!!
You Must be one of those diamonds shape hairy bush lady that thinks all men thinks with their dicks??? What a waste!!!!
If you say so!!! All men ain't all bad like the one that fuck you up some how too think like that,or you hate men because you into women to say that!!!!just saying
You're an abomination and a disgrace for even having that opinion, every man you have ever known is evil and wants to fuck you? Nobody deserves to be judged for merely being alive, the actions you make in your life decide how others view you, and I view you very negatively.