Is it normal that i push/poke the ends of my hair between my fingertips all day

I sucked my thumb until I was 11 and did this hair playing thing with it. here's the hair playing part still going on and I'm 21 -----> I take about and inch thick of hair and press it between my fingers so it's pokes. Almost as if I had an ich. I make like a pointing motion with my index finger (or whichever finger) and press the very end of my hair against the very bottom of my finger( between both fingers) I also press the ends of my hair against the sides of my mouth and sometimes my cuticles. Wherever i do it, my skin must be taut. So i move my mouth to the side or pull fingers away from each other. I do it all the time, literally. Like at least every 5 minutes. It seems to calm me down.......I feel like I look like such a weirdo tho and ppl think im eating my hair

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57% Normal
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Caryopteris

    It sounds like a nervous habit. People seeing it will think you are nervous and it will make them uncomfortable and wonder what's wrong. So you will try to hide it as it interferes with your career. Or you could try to stop before it causes you career and social trouble (she says while playing with her hair).

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  • Ok.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    thats is so normal you could eat your dinner off it.

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