Is it normal that i queefed as soon as i got up from the bed?

I went to sleep as I usually do, but when I woke up, I queefed. I have no idea why. I know that air goes into your vagina whenever you get into weird positions or even during sit ups. The only thing I could think of is that I wore shorts (with no underwear) to bed and I slept with a fan on in the room. Maybe going commando under my shorts gave the air blowing from the fan easy access to my pussy. I never really had this happen to me before, so those are my theories.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Boojum

    Since I'm a guy, I can't speak from experience, but is it possible that your underwear normally keeps your labia closed enough that air can't get into your vagina when you're sleeping and totally relaxed?

    If you're going commando and have a fan running, I guess the room was hot, so you probably slept with your legs apart. Do you think that might make it even more likely air would get in your vagina?

    Maybe you just have to accept that your unexpected queef will forever remain one of the universe's great mysteries.

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  • Bailey_Rose

    Try an experiment. Try sleeping the exact same way, except next time sleep with nothing on. No shorts no panties. Then try just the shorts and no panties again. See if you get the same results and see if you are able to recreate the queef sound. If you are not able to reproduce the queef sound, it was probably just one of those freak things that happens. But if you are able to recreate it, you'll better understand how and why.

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  • Azaman

    If a fan blowing on your vagina can make you queef, you may have the loosest pussy of all time

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    • Boojum

      ...and the fan must be powerful enough to ventilate an aircraft hangar.

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