Is it normal that i recently started tryin to sing verses of stuff in piglatin?

I recently started doing this, and I think I find it so entertaining because of how much of a challenge it is to make a song sound normal (I.E., same meter, tempo, pitches, dynamics) while adding essentially an extra syllable to each word. I actually started doing this right after saint patrick's day (Don't know why I participate in that 'Holiday", technically it is a christian religious holiday...). My family got together and we went out for dinner, and my Mom wanted the guy who was singing for tips outside to sing "Danny Boy". She didn't ask him to, of course, but she was singing it on the way home (My cars in the shop right now, have to be driven around like a kid.), and she played multiple versions of it on her iphone. The next morning I had it stuck in my head, but the evening before that one of my friends had been texting me, and he started texting in latin, because he knows latin and I was stupid enough to make a reference that started him calling me "Father". I don't know much latin, so I switched to pig-latin, and somehow he doesn't know how to translate piglatin. I don't know how, but I guess that inspired me to try to sing other songs in pig latin. is it normal to do that? Does anybody else attempt this? Its a lot of fun :)

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40% Normal
Based on 52 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • TheGenie165

    ig-pay atin-lay is-way mazing-aay. earnt-lay it-way rom-fay estorm-day!

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  • Jessie735513

    Eryvay unfay iay amay uresay, ifay onlay ymay ipoday idntday autoay-orrectcay allay ethay imtay!

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  • squirrelgirl

    I ovelay alkingtay in igpay atinlay. Owhay uchmay oremay unfay ouldway it be to ingsay in it? :D

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  • Jessie735513

    I'm addicted to talking in pig Latin, it annoys the heck out of my family. Fun though, iay inkthay atay uoyay areay otallytay ormalnay ;)

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    LMFAO!!! How Funny! YouTube it and lost out a link!

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  • What'sMyName?

    That sounds like fun.

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    • TheLogicalJew

      I assure you, it is. But it can be a challenge. You should give it a try (if your the singer type, you could have just been remarking that it sounds enjoyable), but don't try a super complex song for starters.

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      • What'sMyName?

        I'm no singer, but ironically enough before I read this i was writing random sentences in igpay atinlay xD

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  • TheLogicalJew

    haha, that is an interesting way to put it. And thank you for your sympathy on the whole first kiss post... And your welcome for the novel :)

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  • sheilarae1987

    Piglatin scares's all Yoda with braindamage kind of language, LoL.

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