Is it normal that i remember being this young?

I can, in great detail, remember my 3rd birthday, which occured on the 1st of february 2002. I'm 22. Is that weird or not? I even remember Christmas of 2001, which occured a month earlier. Heck, I even remember a kindergarten photoshoot that I shot in september of 2001, a few days before 9/11. But the most insane of all, I have some vague memories of being a toddler. Is this normal or not?

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Comments ( 10 )
  • libertybell

    I'm a bit confused.... If you were three In 2002,then in 2001,weren't you two years old? You couldn't have been in kindergarten back then.

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    • bbrown95

      I thought the same. I was 6 in 2001 and was in kindergarten when 9/11 happened (and remember being in class when the teachers found out, too; it was a scary and confusing day for a young child who didn't fully understand what was going on).

      Perhaps they meant preschool? Though when I was in preschool, it was still 4- and 5-year-olds. Or perhaps in some places kindergarten includes various ages? Not sure.

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      • I meant preschool. I mix those up. English isn't my first language.

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        • bbrown95

          Oh, alright!

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    I remember going out in the snow with my sister and my aunt was pulling us on a sled. My sis was 2 years older than I and she said that I was 2 1/2.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    My earliest memory we had a staircase and my dog chased the cat around thr staircase and disappeared. Then they appeared again and the bigger cat was chasing the dog this time around. It happened smoothly like a cartoon almost. I rememver I died laughing hysterically and its my first memory. I described the house layout to my parents and I moved from that house when I was not yet 2 years old. And I remember rhe entire layout and that one memory of the cat chasing the dog.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Very normal and incredibly common.

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  • libertybell

    The farthest back that I can remember is 1975,when I was four years old. And it's just bits and pieces.

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  • Somenormie

    We all remember something in our childhood.

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  • bbrown95

    Normal, I am 26 and remember back to late 1997. I remember a picture being taken that has a date of 1997 on it. I think most of my early memories are from 1998, though, since January 1999 was the last time my family all lived together in the same house and I have quite a few memories of that, though most are vague little snippets and not extremely detailed.

    People have always loved to tell me "There's no way you remember that" and some expect me to barely remember anything prior to age 10 (which to me is a bit odd considering most people remember things from well before age 10), but I would say a good half of my childhood memories took place before that.

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