Iin, that i repeat these lines and people still find it funny
Hey Wildcat. You know those ads that come on before the video starts with a guy in his garage.
With his brand new lamborgini!
Yea and he's like
Here in my garage with my new lamborgini. But do you know what I like more tham my lamborgini? KNOWLEDGE, thats why I own these 3,000 books, I read one book a day.
We should just go and create some parody ads and use anything that rhymes with the word lamborgini.
Here in my garage, eating my pasta linguini. Do you know what i like better than my linguini? Macroni. Thats why I know these 3,000 boxes full of macroni. I eat one box of macroni everyday.
Here in my garage, just bought this new dry martini and this loaf of pinini. But do you know what I like better?
(end of part 1)