Is it normal that i rub my fingers with my nails all the time?

I like to rub my fingernails against the skin of my fingers. I just rub the nails up and down the sides of my fingers. I also rub my lips with my nails too sometimes. I'm 21 and I've been doing this for as long as I can remember. It just feels good. Something about the smoothness of the nail makes me want to keep doing it. I can do it for hours. I'll try to stop myself from doing it sometimes but I get this feeling in my fingers and I have to do it. I've never noticed anyone else doing this. Does anyone else do this? I hope I explained clear enough.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Jayemen

    Older sister has very long, amazing nails, always polished, and, the same habit. Will touch them to her lips and tongue, and, for skin, lift her shirt up and itch her bare tummy. Both are long-time habits and very arousing/teasing.

    We were at a restaurant dinner one time, bunch of us, and, I sat across from her. Must have fired off 10 pics of her long, pink nails touching her lips, tongue, and forearm. I joined her outside for a smoke (I don't smoke, but wanted a few alone minutes with her), and, like clockwork, she raised her shirt to mid-ribs and itched her bare tummy with those 2" pink nails. Just a habit of hers, but I love it.

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  • Imalreadyinlovewithmyself

    Hi, I don't think is normal but I'll let you know why. I'm not an English language native so please forgive me for some of the stupid grammar mistakes that you will probably find in this text. I don't think it is normal because it's something that I also have not seen people do. It's ok if you did it to scratch your hand but if you spend hours doing it or just can't help yourself from doing it then it may be a compulsion. There are habits like eating nails, masturbating, biting your lip, lick ( as above mentioned) but those are things people do and stop after a few seconds, minutes or 1 hour and then repeat later on (imagine a person licking their lips for 3 hours straight)???. I tried to do what you do and could not stand it for a minute ( how do you do to go for hours)??? Anyway, thay doesn't make you less or anything, just different.

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  • pixie44

    Some people bite their nails, some constantly bite / lick their lips etc. Its just a habit. It's not hurting you so it's fine don't worry about it.

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