Is it normal that i save computers or laptops people throw away?

In where I live I see peoples computer's and laptops thrown outside their houses so I save them and I fix them, majority of them had dead motherboards or problems with the VGA. Just the other day I see a Windows 98 computer being thrown out however it had personal files that the previous owner didn't wipe off so I of course swooped in and saved it just so I can add those to my computer collection. I like to question what goes through the minds of people when they throw away their stuff with their personal info.

Voting Results
31% Normal
Based on 45 votes (14 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • kelili

    I would like to know what goes in your mind to save other people's personal stuff?

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    • Somenormie

      I just take it since its no longer theirs anymore, because they threw their old junk I claim ownership when taking stuff they no longer use anymore.

      I of course wipe of their personal data and stuff when I get my hands on junk like that. I also make sure to install a fresh version of the operating system.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Shit like this is why my family would put on goggles, grab a bat, axe, or hammer, and bash the shit out of busted electronics. I found it fun to do. It got rid of stress. XD

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  • Indigo1

    I’d say pretty normal

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    • Somenormie

      I think myself is normal but people in this site think otherwise.

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  • SmokeEverything

    Theres this big shed near me where the town tells people to dump electronics, you can just walk in and pick parts and take whatever you want. I dont know anything about fixing computers tho, but you can make a lot of money going through peoples garbage. Car batteries are worth a lot at the scrapyard and its easy to fix up old bikes and sell them

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    • megadriver

      Definitely... At the dealership we also sell, or try to sell old clunkers. Usually crap cars that still have at least half a year, before needing an inspection.

      These cars are usually bought by university students, or poor immigrants.
      But occasionally we get stuck with a junker that needs an inspection (it won't pass) and nobody wants to buy it, so as a business we need to pay to have the car removed and taken to the scrapyard. But because I like money, I take the battery out and the catalytic converter.

      A decent cat sells for anything between 50 and 200 bucks. And I collect about 10-20 batteries, before I go and turn them in at the recycling depot for a few more Euros.

      I split the profits with one of my mechanics who does the actual work and we buy a case of beer for every car to keep the other mechanics quiet.

      Extra spending money is always welcome.

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      • SmokeEverything

        I dont really drive much, whenever I need a car battery I take the old one down to the machine shop and trade it for one that somebody got replaced because it was old but still works. They don't care cause they're just turning them in for the core deposit anyway and it doesn't matter if the battery works.

        Couple months back I found like 10 car batteries in somebodys dumpster of a house that tore down their garage. Made like $120 bucks. If you buy a battery from a lot of chain stores it's got a $5 core deposit but the scrap yard will give you $12-$14 for it.

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  • LloydAsher

    I dont know what to do with my fried laptops. They can be fixed but their motherboards are shit. So at best I can get 30$ and a subway sandwich for them.

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    • Somenormie

      If your laptops have been fried it may mean that it could have something to do with your cooling fan or it might be hardware related in most cases if they become fully fried then it cannot be fixed.

      Looks like 30 dollars and a subway sandwich sounds like a good deal though.

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      • LloydAsher

        I know they cant be fixed I just dont have a place to dump them for the 30$ and a subway sandwich.

        Its junk but that junk was worth something, just kinda feel bad to just throw it away.

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        • Somenormie

          With my broken ones I feel the same as you and I feel kinda bad if I threw them away. IDK why.

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          • LloydAsher

            While it now has decreased value but you still hold the original value in the back of your head. That's my reasoning on why this garbage is now so hard to throw away.

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            • Somenormie

              It seems understandable.

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  • RoseIsabella

    What's the weirdest thing you have found on one of these salvaged junk computers?

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    • Somenormie

      Some of them had cute MS-Paint drawings and some had their AOL email or Outlook stuff still signed on to them.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Wow! Well, I think you should keep records of where you find these discarded computers just in case you ever find child pornography so you can report it to the authorities; I think that would be a good idea!

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        • RoseIsabella

          WTF?! Someone seriously gave me a thumbs down for for suggesting someone, OP, or anyone for that matter, should keep records of where he, or she finds these discarded computers in case CP is found, and it becomes necessary to report it to the authorities?

          Honestly, if I knew anyone, and I mean anyone who had CP I would turn their ass into the authorities faster than you can say chombo. No one should ever get away with having, or circulating that garbage, it's evil, and disgusting!

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          • Somenormie

            But also I'd be sure to delete it permanently where it cannot be found.

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        • Somenormie

          If they did I would've been concerned.

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          • RoseIsabella

            I know, right? If I ever find that stuff anywhere I will report it to the FBI. A person could be my dear friend, but if I ever found that stuff I would betray them in a heartbeat!

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            • SwickDinging

              Good. They are supporting child rape. They don't deserve anyone's loyalty.

              It's one thing to have sexual urges that aren't appropriate, and I know those people can't help that, but it's quite another to seek out videos of children being sexually abused. They are supporting the most frightening and damaging illegal industry in the world.

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