Is it normal that i see ghosts at night and day?

I see familiar people staring at me at night, i dont know what from. I recognize them. I see them everynight some are at my doorway some right next to me when i start crying they go away. One is a tall man just staring at me and another is a small girl aged 4 to 5 sitting in my chair my mum says its parannoying me but it must be true my mum is starting to see a old lady. Do you know is happening to us! :(

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Shrunk

    so the underage posts begin...

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    • RoseIsabella

      Summer is here.

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  • Arm0se

    I really can see dead people, ever since I was a child. If this is a real post and you really need some advice hit me up.

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    • ______________

      Well what do you know - I always thought you were one of the semi-honest people on this site.
      I'm not saying I don't believe you, but would it not be possible to take pictures or something?

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      • Arm0se

        Sorry in advance for novel.

        Well in my experience there's to major categories; wanderers and passengers. Wanderers you just kind of see places. (I never actively seek their attention) but most don't acknowledge that your there, the ones that do usually just look at you or watch you for a while, very rarely do they try to speak. Passengers stick with, some times for a few days sometimes for years. I can hear them, but not understand, so I have no idea what causes them to come and go as they do. Each one is different, you have those like the White Lady who visits you in dreams and shows up when your in distress, and then you have your Walking Nightmares, who are just that; nightmares brought to reality. I've never tried taking pictures. Somone suggested I record myself while I sleep, but I'm afraid of what I mite see. Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to.

        I sound like a crazy person now huh? :/

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        • ______________

          I don't think you're crazy. Sorry for the bombardment of questions;
          Are they in your dreams or in reality? What do they look like, and do they just stand and watch you? And how often do you see them?
          And are you really being honest?

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          • Arm0se

            The White Lady is the only one that shows up in both dreams and reality, and it's not every time I dream. I think that's the only way she can communicate because whenever she shows up in a dream, that dream eventually comes true. I call her the White Lady because that's what she looks like, a white lady. She has short white hair, white eyes that are always open, white skin, and white tattered clothes. The clothes aren't always the same but they are always torn up for some reason. Most wanderers just look like people, but passengers are different. One of the first ones I had follow me around looked like a man made out of smoke. He would always knock things off the table when I tried going to sleep to wake me back up, until I yelled at it to stop. The more I saw him the less he looked like a definitive figure, and started to just look like a black cloud. While the White lady looks like a person, it's not quite the same as the others, nor does she act the same as the others. I've never seen her from behind, or up close. Whenever I see her she's across the room or down a hall facing me. I don't think it's dangerous, but I've still never tried walking up to it.

            No I'm not lying. All my trolls are short and filled with sarcasm. I wouldn't take this much time just too fuck with someone.

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  • Sometimes it happens people are born with it so yeah

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  • seekelp

    I can see ghosts too, but only in daytime.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Take some pictures. Show us!

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  • Redcoats

    Too much weed bro.

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  • Idk12364

    Please tell me if you know! We are all scared

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    • ______________

      You're not going to trick anyone unless they're stupid and under aged like yourself.

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