Is it normal that i spent all my money so quickly?

I spent like $300 on super chats on youtube and stuff from the shops I like. I had $900 but 5 days later I have 0.40?

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13% Normal
Based on 23 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • megadriver

    Dude, lay off the superchat. Those people don't care about you.
    Spend it on movies, music, videogames, prostitutes, charity... anything that's actually real and can give you enjoyment.

    But if you're a masochist and/ or quite foolish, feel free to chat with me and send me a few hundred bucks. I got a wedding to plan with my fiancee and those are never cheap XD

    But seriously dude, find a better hobby!

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  • Reading this shit gave me stroek

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  • bbrown95

    IMO, it's not the most responsible (or productive, or worthwhile) use of money, but if you have that much disposable income and it doesn't leave you in a financial bind, and also seems worth it to you, who am I to judge?

    For me, $900 (and even $300) is a good chunk of change and I would have a very hard time spending that much on something that would only bring very temporary enjoyment (and I very rarely spend that much on anything that isn't a necessity in the first place).

    I'm not familiar with YouTube Super Chats, but I take it that it's similar to something like Only Fans? I do think the comments saying that those people don't care about you and you're basically throwing your money away have a lot of truth to them, to be honest, but if you are truly able to afford it and want to spend your money on it, there's nothing anyone can do to stop you.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    You are less important to those people than the shit on the bottom of their shoe they stepped in. You're throwing ur money away.

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  • Grunewald

    If I had that much money knocking around doing nothing and I was determined not to save it or invest it in some kind of training course, I'd book a weekend holiday with my mum or my grandma.

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  • Hey for real, you could send me a couple hundred bucks and it's actually gonna go to really helping a person, not to buying more swag for a better looking recording room

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  • Somenormie

    Lay off the super chats and do what I do save or spend very little.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I really, and truly hope this post is some kinda joke, because if it's for real you have a serious problem!

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    • I'm sorry but I actually have 0.40c in my account now... It's all gone from the superchats and shopping I did the past 5 days. Yeah, I'm serious, unfortunately.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i finished my first real job outta school in the 90s and had 13k in my pocket after all my expenses

    by the time i went back to work four months later i had 500 bucks left

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    • megadriver

      Must have been a fun four months tho XD

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        5k of it went to a t-top foxbody

        another 2k on guns

        the rest was good times

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          Man I tell ya what 2k in guns back then would probably get you what costs double or triple in guns now. Atpeast when it comes to semi auto rifles. I remember buying a nice SKS for $75 and now I see them for up to $800.

          They use to basically give away AKs too back then. You could get any AK for under $400. A bad one now is atleast $900 and a good one is about $1200+

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            stainless mini14

            browning a-bolt target model .300winmag with a fancyass scope

            sigsauer p229

            ruger 22/45

            that was over 2 grand when scopes cases slings extra mags and some ammo was added in

            plus i was heavy into skeet shootin at the time (with a pump gun & was hand loadin shells) and was buyin extra magazines like crazy cause the clinton ban was about to go in effect

            its too fuckin expensive now

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            • 1WeirdGuy

              Damn son, excellent choices

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  • my_life_my_way

    Spending money on things that aren’t real isn’t normal

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    • She's real thought! She's just using a virtual model.

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