Is it normal that i start to feel the effects after just one can of beer?

I tend to get drunk/tipsy really easily. After just one can if beer, I start to feel the effects almost immeadiately. I don't drink very often at all. If I do, it's usually just once or twice a month. I don't tend to binge drink either. But if just one beer gets to me that easily, then does that mean I'm a lightweight? I also know that the least I weigh, the faster I will become intoxicated. I used to weigh 165 pounds three months ago, but now I currently weigh 150 and my height is 5'7. I don't know if it's all in my brain, but I think I am feeling the effects of the one beer that I just drank a short time ago because I'm lighter now.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Cokerabbit

    if you drink on an empty stomach you get tipsy straight away, also depends on your tolerance, I usually get tipsy when I’ve had like 4 shots of vodka on a empty stomach. If you don’t want to get tipsy I strongly suggest you have a meal before drinking. Take it slowly my friend (:

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    • crazypassion

      Thanks man. I will take it slowly. I noticed that I do tend to swallow up anything I drink quite fast. I was eating a meal while having a beer, but I guess you are literally supposed to have it before you drink so that the effects won't take over.

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      • Cokerabbit

        Yeah eat before your drink, the stomach abosorbs it a lot more slowly then.

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  • Fugazi,again

    I feel the effects after one drink but I wouldn't say im drunk or tipsy. More like my body is just noticing the presence of alcohol.

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  • lordofopinions

    If you are a light drinker then one beer will affect you as you describe. The more a person drinks the more their tolerance goes up which is not a good thing. That can lead to alcoholism which trust me you don't want. When you HAVE to have a drink or you can't stop then you know you're in serious trouble.

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    • crazypassion

      Thanks. This was really solid and legitimate input. And you are definitely right because I don't want to become an alcoholic at all. I'm usually well behaved, so I don't think I have that tendency.

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