Is it normal that i temporarily see colours that arent there

When I look at anything, mostly the floor or ground the colours of the object changes slowly and makes a random shape of colour, it could be from dark brown to bright red, purple, white and a lot of other colours. Then when I look away even 1 inch away, the colour immediately changes to normal. I dont know if its some type if color blindness or other eye disorders. I didnt find anything on the internet.

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50% Normal
Based on 6 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • CDmale4fem

    For the last 2 1/2 years I have been going thru medical appts and Dr appts to find out why I was losing my vision. At first I started seeing flashes in my left eye, but the flashes happened when it where I knew there was nothing there that caused it. Along with the flashes, I was seeing colors and things that were not there. I could sweat I see something but people with me said "nothing there." Just a week ago I was texting again, the light I was looking at to focus on, it looked to me like a cloud was rolling in over the red light. Anyway the Drs made sure I had no cancers, no hepatitis, and so the cause I was told last year in june that I have Autoimmune Retinopathy. No cure as yet, but till now not much can be done. BUT, I really suggest if you are having vision issues- go see eye Dr get checked. I found there are so many things that vision can be affected by just from our own body. It's said that dogs are colors different than humans. I wondered how that was known. Our eyes contain Rods and Cones. Each doing a different vision task. Dogs have different number of one of the other, but one is for day vision and other for night vision. But anyway I suggest going for eye exam. When I open my front door if someone there, I cannot tell who it is for sure. I will see (in daytime) an entire view of kind of like Sun spots, and eyes are very sensitive to light. I have to wear sunglasses during day.

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    • Jonniebonnire

      I want to visit eye doctor, but when I tell my parents that I need to see an eye doctor and tell them my problem, they dont do it and say its normal or they say that i dont have it, and most likely they will say "your playing too much video games", and then they ground me from video games for a week.

      I guess i could visit eye doctor when i get my drivers liscence and a job which is in 7 months or something like that. And I dont have any other eye problems other than seeing colours that arent there.

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      • CDmale4fem

        After all I have learned about the eyes over my time with the Drs, I would say don't wait. Things like "Rod - Cone Dystrophy" "Reduced contrast sensitivity", and my favorite "Autoimmune Retinopathy". I have a website on my phone I will try and put in here for you to use for your search. Well I looked and cannot find it. But if you search for "American Journal of Ophthalmic Medicine" or even Web MD. Remind your parents this is things with YOUR VISION, not theirs. You are seeing things not them. What will they do if down the ro ad you have more vision issues.

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  • SubaruCat

    is it more in the dark? Is it little specks and shapes in different colors? I can’t diagnose you but it might be snowy vision. I have it... it sound similarish to what you are describing.

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    • Jonniebonnire

      Its more in light or places thats not dark, and they come in different sizes and colours, mostly big blotches

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      • SubaruCat

        Might be more severe then.

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  • This is why they have eye doctors, please go to one.

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  • e51pegasi

    It doesn't sound like it, but look up aural or ocular migraine.

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