Is it normal that i think atheists should not be allowed to have rights?

I think atheists should not be allowed to have the same rights and freedoms as Christians.Let me explain why.

-America was created on the basis of christian family values.

-Atheists don't believe in the lord so it is fair to assume
that they have NO morals and ethics.

-Most atheists want to take rights and freedoms away from hardworking families

-Athiests want to legalize gay marriage and take away MY right to freedom of religion.

Voting Results
10% Normal
Based on 268 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 76 )
  • partofeveryone

    Blatently obvious troll is blatently obvious. Dont tease him with words, they make his ego erect.

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  • InvadingPotatoLeader

    Not sure if troll or just incredibly stupid..

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    • Charmo

      Most likely both.

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  • zchristian

    Lol im Christian and i actually have nothing against gay marriage and that about morals and ethics thats just bogus...

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  • Avant-Garde

    Maybe, you don't deserve rights for being such a ignorant dumbass!?


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  • VsegdaTemnata

    One more thing: the founders of this country were ATHEISTS.

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    • Unimportant


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  • Maggie143

    This is why our society is going down the drain. Do you remember history class at all? Let me give you a little refresher course. The men responsible for building the foundation of the United States were men of "The Enlightenment", not men of Christianity, they were freethinkers who relied on their powers of reason and not on their faith. Nowhere does the Constitution say: "The United States is a Christian Nation", or anything even close to that. The Bill of Rights states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

    And just a personal guess you are so shallow that you probably think any religion aside from Christianity is wrong? I was brought up in a very Christian home, and bad things happened to me. I became Agnostic, and since you assume(you know what you do when you assume, you make an ass out of you and me.) that I am devoid of morals and ethics, here you go: I have never harmed a fellow human being, I am faithful to my husband, pay my taxes, take care of the sick and dying at my place of employment.

    And as for taking away your right to excercise your religious freedoms, I have no interest in that, because I enjoy in the same freedoms you do, I just don't want everyone to conform to my way of thinking.

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    • Jeshua

      I'm still in a very christian home I'm also agnostic now. I like people who are honest about who they are and allow other people the same privilege. That means you :)

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  • Energy

    What the fuck? Shut the fuck up! You make Christians look REALLY BAD!!!!!! As for Gay marriage..there is NOTHING wrong with it!! Just because some asshole editted the Bible and said it's a sin, doesn't mean it's true! If you believe in God, you should know that she/he loves everyone! You sound like you're someone from the old days WAAAYY OLD DAYS back when the Church tortured people!

    OPEN YOUR MIND it's 2012! Stop holding on to OLD bullshit ideas!

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    • Yumazing

      You are the type of Christian I like :)

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      • Energy

        I'm not Christian :P
        I believe that no one knows anything until they die.

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        • Yumazing

          Oh, sorry. I just assumed. My bad.

          And I like your way of thinking. Very agnosticesque.

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          • Energy

            Haha XD

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            • Yumazing


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    • Avant-Garde

      I like the way you think:)

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  • Tamale

    Well im athiest, and if you actually knew anything about America, youd know that the founding fathers were actually athiest, and that they didnt celebrate christmas..

    You must not know athiests at all if youre also saying that they dont have any morals..AND, you can be a hard working family and be athiest.

    The reason im athiest is because my parents were open minded with religion around me. I used to be christian. Isnt that how its supposed to be? I believe that children should be introduced to certain religions at a certain age so they can decide for themselves what religion they believe in.

    And theres nothing wrong with gay marriage, it should be a right as an american to marry whoever they want. Athiesm is MY religion. So arent you taking away my freedom of religion?

    Youre very narrow minded, but i guess thats normal for you, after all you go to church...

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    • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

      Agreed except atheism isn't a religion. :P

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      • it is a religion

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        • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

          What explanation do you have for that claim?

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          • because i have watched people studding it reading the atheist-bible

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            • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

              The "atheist bible"? Haha, what's that? A Richard Dawkins book?

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      • hemper

        atheism is so a religion, if you don't want to define it as a 'religion' it is as much a belief system as christianity, im too tired and baked to provide the proof might do it later,

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        • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

          Wrong. Atheism is not a religion, and neither is theism.

          Atheism is a lack of belief - atheists don't believe in God. Beyond that, atheists vary greatly in their views on the origin of the universe, morality and everything else. Also some atheists claim there is *definitely* no God, while other atheists will claim it's not 100% knowable, yet improbable - and with no evidence to suggest believing it is a good idea.

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          • hemper

            but a lack of belief can also be viewed as a belief of not believing. the human mind assumes and believes; we believe in science most of the time because it makes logical sense, yet it is still a belief system. If humans lack the power to believe we lose our cognitive power. Atheism, the -ism itself suggest that it is a belief; a belief in no deities yet noneheless a belief.

            Atheists do vary greatly in their ideologies but one can't deny that one has to believe in no deities to be atheist. I would argue that just like how the abrahamic traditions believe in a God which is the starting point of all their doctrines, atheists fundamentally believe in no God and formulate 'doctrines' (in modern society we call them philosophies or theory on human nature, many existentialist philosophers come to mind atm)

            So all in all, atheism is at best another belief system even if you don't consider it a religions(which in my case I do since they are so similar)

            to deny belief is to deny our existence

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    • What'sMyName?

      Couldn't have said that better

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    • hemper

      so true, being a christian who is more of a follower of kierkegard than the church nowadays

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  • PrincessLollipop

    I think that's a very ignorant way of thinking & I totally disagree. Just because someone doesn't believe the same things you believe doesn't make it okay to suggest that they shouldn't have any rights. =/

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  • Ono

    - The US wasn't based on christian family values, but the values of the enlightenment.

    - You don't need religion to have morals and ethics. Just as wanting a group of people to not have rights because they don't share the same belief is neither moral or ethical.

    - Which rights are athiests trying to take away? I'd suggest most athiests just want the freedom to live their lives in peace. And some of them have 'hardworking' families of their own.

    - A gay couple getting married takes away not one single right or freedom of a religious person. You still have the exact same right to not marry a person of the same gender as you have before gay marriage. Giving someone else a right you enjoy doesn't take your right away.

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  • VsegdaTemnata

    You are honestly a fucking retard, just based on the last point. NOBODY is taking away your freedom of religion. You can practice whatever the fuck you want.

    As far as gay marriage goes, if you don't like it... DON'T GET ONE!!!

    I bet you're suuuch a well-liked person.

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  • BreeBees

    I'm an atheist , and Im not out to get you , you job, religion , or family .
    Goddamn. Are you really that intimidated that you think our rights should be taken away?

    We don't even bother people at all. We aren't going to run into a church and say "fuck you!"
    As most atheists only want to live their live..

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    • BreeBees


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  • Dozis

    You are right. The only people who should have rights are christians. Everyone else is abusive on this planet.........

    Good, just wait for the muslims to get here and show you what real integralism is. You guys are going to have a lot of fun being at eachother holy books.

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  • justanormalgirl

    One reason i HATE religion: i don't think you should have heaven abd hell held over your head to make the right decisions. Be an atheist, i DO have morals, and i have them cause they're the right thing, not cause i want to go to heaven.

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  • Pisslan616

    The perfect example of everything that is wrong with religion.

    The sheer ignorance is astounding.

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  • Yumazing

    Good on ya.

    I love being called a horrible person with no morals.

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  • pandabear1209

    Dear op, you are ignorant and you disgust me. Have a nice day :)

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  • doomiedoom


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  • MrDarkcyde

    This person does not represent the christian faith just an idiot american forcing ther beliefs on others, don't think there smart enuf to read never mind understand the complexity of any religion.

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  • Corleone

    If you really believe that, then there's something horribly wrong with your morals and ethics.

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  • Qwerty1034

    I didn't know Hitler had a kid.

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  • Well im agnostic because i think its all dumb.

    Science was created by man so its probably wrong.

    Religion was created by man so its probably wrong.

    The fact that humans think they know the truth about reality is retarded...You know only what you learn and you learn that from people who learnt that from other people and so on, so science is a joke because we have no true basis for comparison....and god is just as likely to be a giant platypus that hates humans and makes it rain by pissing on us.

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  • disthing

    This has to be a troll post...

    At least I hope it is, otherwise they need some kind of IQ test before people are allowed on this site.

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  • TwistedLittleGirl

    I'm open to the concept of religion, but the thing about atheists is we don't need a god to tell us what to do because christians are dependant on god whereas atheists we don't look for someone to tell us what to do we are INDEPENDANT and christans are DEPENDANT what I'm trying to say is christans are like children they can't do anything themselves, atheists are grown ups and DONT need to be GUIDED all I can say now is I believe in buddism and I'm sticking to it so christans
    F**K YOU!!!!!!!!

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  • CarsGirlsGunsMoneyMade


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  • Solophonic

    OP is a troll.

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  • alv1592

    That's not true about everyone who is atheist. I don't care if someone has different beliefs, just as long as they're nice about it.

    And, atheism and agnosticism are not the same thing. Before you tell me I'm wrong, I googled it. Agnostic means you're open to the possibility that there is a God, and atheist means you firmly believe that there's no God. I have a friend who is agnostic and she's said "I'm praying to God" before. So yep, they're different.

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  • Comando96

    Ok I'm a "Christian". I'm not a Christian, I'm a "Christian".

    I do not believe in the fine print of some bullshit book written by tribesmen.
    Why do you think gays should not be allowed to marry? I know why... A man who lies whith another man shall be stoned. The same part of the bible instructs us that when a woman is on her period she must be tied to a chair and must not touch anything or anyone as it will become impure. Why do you hate gays but not tie women/yourself to a chair.
    On a similar note masterbation... banned... Eating pork... Banned...
    You can't pick and chose parts of the old testament and not others hypocrite.

    I am a "Christian" because I ignore the old testiment completely and ignore everything after Jesus' 40 days after death. All of a sudden... The bible becomes a lot nicer :D

    Now do I believe religion and state should ever mix? No... It's a fucking disaster waiting to happen.
    Mixing Religion and state = Iran
    Mixing Religion and state = Pakistan
    Mixing Religion and state = Saudi Arabia
    Mixing Religion and state = Afganistan
    Mixing Religion and state = Pre-Revolutionary France
    Mixing Religion and state = The Spanish Inqusition

    There should be no mixing of Religion and State ever. Don't prevent Religion (unless it's breaks laws, ie no udder allowed), but it is to be separate from the state.


    Is it Normal to think like this?
    Yes... If you change the religion to Islam and your name is Osama Bin Laden. (and you weren't dead).

    Voltaire: I have no Morals, yet am a very Moral man.

    Me: I have 3 Morals (don't be a dick, don't use force against women, try not to kill someone), and I'm a reasonably moral man.

    You have Morals, Yet are a horrible Dictitorial human being.

    Fuck morals.

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  • iguessimnormal

    Love your neighbors no matter how harsh they may be :)
    Atheist or not we are all equal. Its not their fault that they don't believe in God, it is their choice. On the other hand, taking our rights away is just painful. They must think before they do something that will harm their fellow beings.

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  • YngPoly

    That is bs. Enlightenment thinking enfluenced this countries founding more than Christianity. I don't care what your religion is or if you want to pray in school or what not. Just don't shove your religion down my throat

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  • Darkoil

    Troll harder next time faggot.

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  • OhStevieRaeee

    Who honestly gives a fuck, just live life. When you die you know. Getting so caught up in your own ignorance.

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  • chicken471bologna


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  • Yuki-Okami

    Try thinking about this from the otherside, what if only atheists had rights.
    I think this is horrid, just beva

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  • Shaung1

    They let you post such ridiculous questions here but they wont let me post questions like is it normal to find teens attractive

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  • Lach

    You're a fucking cunt gtfo

    You're the worthless piece of shit in this world.
    You deserve to die... God is supposed to love everyone. And you call yourself a christian
    How tf are you a christian you burnt asshole. Man you're a hypocrite. FOH

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  • coolio75650932

    Athiest:One who has no religion.

    lol and athiests dont try to take away rights...i am an athiest my self and all i do is do what i was born to life. even in the bible it says not to judge my religion but by personality. (i read the bible once).

    and i find it unfair that you say we try to take away freedom of families. you probobly arnt even a true christian if you think others dont deserve rights and freedom.

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  • Hussainthemvp

    Dude im a muslim and i REALLY WANT YOU TO GROW A BRAIN

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  • xXScYtHeXx

    Children gather round why I explain how OP has no idea about what he's talking about:

    -America was created on the basis of christian family values. - I'm british so I can't fully answer this but the founders of america as you see it today weren't christians, they based their laws and such on common sense and morals (meaning it was based on what's right and wrong).

    -Atheists don't believe in the lord so it is fair to assume
    that they have NO morals and ethics. - Wrong, if I had no morals at all why do I fully support anti-bullying campaigns in schools and I love animals, the idea of seeing an animal being treat badly makes me want to treat the person who harmed the animal badly, before you say that's going against morals, read the bible, it also says selling your daughter into slavery is fine, also ever heard of an eye for an eye?

    -Most atheists want to take rights and freedoms away from hardworking families - Where the hell did you get that from? I am an atheist and I have plans for a family, I don't live on benefits, I have a stable job and I've worked my ass off since I was 15, I have no intentions of taking peoples rights based on any of their views.

    -Athiests want to legalize gay marriage and take away MY right to freedom of religion. - I am not against gay marriage, there's nothing wrong with it, I do however have no problem with you going by your religion, my girlfriend/fiancee considers herself catholic and I've not once questioned her religion, its her choice to follow it.

    You my good sir need to do your damn research before ripping on people based on a VERY small amount of them, its like me saying all christians pray before meals, they don't, my grandmother strongly believes in a "God" and she hasn't once done a praying session before eating.

    And at that my young ones this story comes to an end, OP has once again proved how much of a knob he is.

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  • what if i don't believe in either religion what does that make me am i a atheist or am i nothing

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  • purpledino8

    ** shouldn't ! Have right ,is bs. I meant to say

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  • purpledino8

    Wow I'm not either. But I think your really being just stupid. Why are you targeting atheists? Let them belive what they want its there personal choice.,just like any other religion. If you hate them you must hate all the others because there not christains. Have some respect and they will respect you for wat you belive in. religion doesn't define someone for who they really are. Ppl can belive anything they want as long as there happy,its such BS ppl hating on ppl for what they belive. That's why there so many problems in this world. It makes me sick. Everyone should have equal rights. I hate closed minded and ingorant ppl. Just cuz your non christain you don't have to sterotype them and hate them cuz there don't belive wat you belive! Gosh freedom of choice. You don't know the person. Don't judge and hate so much. Religion shouldn't be an issuse in this world. Its quite sad. Don't lable.and target and assume ppl are a certain way. Its sad ppl are really like ''there moron,so there stupid''''i hate them'' REALLY? Ur 12.. grow up ppl. Did you know everyone is different? And have different veiws? :O wow get use to it. It doest mean we should fight all the time. You take in their ideas and have you will have different veiws. Makes you a better person. But saying a certain group of ppl should have rights is such BS!

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  • thisisgroundcontrol

    lol I love all of you

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  • dinz

    The concept of particularly the Monotheism religions is that this world we are currently in is somekind of "testing" ground for ourselves. Such a test is used to see who is eligible for the next level aka a heaven like paradise with their lord/God/whatever.

    What gets me with people supporting a kind of religion based government is that establishing laws based on the Bible/Koran/Torah/Etc. doesn't mean it's citizens will get automatic entry into the next the level.

    So if two people lined up at the gates of heaven after their passing - one followed the book because it was the law and another followed it because they genuinely believe in it, should they both be admitted?

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  • susabusa

    atheists are people no matter what. thats like saying stupid people shouldnt have rights, in that case you would be screwed.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    @OP, thank you for, once again, reinforcing to everyone that Christians are nothing but intolerant and ignorant jackasses.

    Really, I do appreciate it. This is what makes my life so wonderful when I deal with athiests that think I hate them and want them to burn in hell because they have a tattoo or something of the like.


    I'll pray for you.

    And I really don't care whether or not gay people get married. They have every right to suffer monogamy too. It's an institution only as sacred as you make it. I'm tired of people asking me why I hate gay people. Folks like the OP are the reason why v.v

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  • NocturnePonyFan


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  • rin

    Hello I voted

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  • tentacleTherapist

    LOL sorry I find this whole thing stupid.

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  • Painfulnote

    I don't know about normal but I disagree they are humans anyway? right? Still I agree with most of the list that you typed. it's kind of true I feel sad for you though 'cause a large group of your nation is turning to be atheists sad but true. Add to that I had a friend who is atheist himself he started to talk about it when he was 18 If I still remember he had no probelm with gays. Honestly atheists are hypocrites ,they want to turn you into an atheist like them,O.K what the fuck? also they point out that they are the happiest people alive,hell is another definition of bliss to them.But if you look at the bright side most atheist probably would eventually kill themselves.

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  • Dozis

    Don't contradict them, they might call the pope and have us all crucified for heresy.

    This is evolution
    the monkey
    the man
    and then the gun.

    If christ was in texas, the hammer the sickle the only son.
    This is your creation
    the atom
    of eden
    was a bomb.
    If jack was the baptist
    we drink vine from his head!

    We are dead and tomorrow is canceled.
    Crucify us in our space.
    In our space.
    In our space.
    In our space.
    In our space.
    In our space.
    This is evolution
    the monkey
    the man
    and then the gun.

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