Is it normal that i think being a parent is not an entitlement

I have to laugh about the Disney Land rant. I am glad there is backlash. If you're a parent, realize the world does not revolve around you and not everyone wants to be a parent. Some people are happy
not having children. It is selfish to wreck that regardless of your emotions ore thought process. People have different goals in life than just simply reproducing and families contain parents, siblings, etc. not just children.
Sometimes I wish I had children so I can have an excuse to be rude to others.

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88% Normal
Based on 24 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • Hey, be thankful you're not an entitled parent, it's not a great look. They're being called out more than ever these days.

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  • Jimbo24

    Misery loves company. When they see you all childless and happy, they feel bad about it, about the diapers and all. And so they start bitching about it, like "give us your stuff, you're the 1%" and that kind of thing.

    I don't know what they're grousing about anyway. I mean married people already pay less taxes, and practically every developed country either gives you tax breaks or straight-out benefits for each kid you have, the US included. So they should just stfu about their VOLUNTARY decision to procreate. They wouldn't have done it if they didn't think they'd get some kind of satisfaction from it, so it's not like it's entirely selfless either.

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  • dimwitted

    More people are choosing to NOT have kids. I think that's great. Kids are little pissers and I cannot tolerate them. The parents are just grown up pissers.

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  • LloydAsher

    Its not. Dont go shitting out babies unless you have the backing to keep them.

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  • sillygirl77

    Preach OP!

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  • raisinbran

    As someone whose brother thinks the world revolves around him and his kid, I share your sentiment.

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  • Boojum

    For fifty reasonably happy years, I didn't have a kid, and when one did arrive, she wasn't planned. I think she's great, and I'm very happy she's part of my life, but I've never thought for even a moment that being a parent gives me the right to be a dick. (Nor do I believe that her being a kid gives her the right to be a miniature dick, and that's always been made very clear to her.)

    Having children is a human right, but there are many parents who aren't equipped to do the job (and raising a child is a job) well for one reason or another, but they do it because it's the normal thing to do or because of social and family pressure to have a child.

    I can't recall ever experiencing any social pressure to have a kid when I was childless, but then I live in the UK, and I'm sure this sort of pressure is more blatant in other places.

    One thing I have concluded since becoming a parent is that there's a subtle, covert conspiracy among parents to minimise just how stressful having a kid can be. I don't think it's intentional. Rather, it's the case that most parents refuse to face the fact that their life could have been better without a child or children. If they were to admit that, it would mean they made a mistake, and it would also make the child feel unwanted. And, in any case, the kid exists, if you're a normal person you love it, and regrets are pointless. There are loads of things you never hear about or truly understand until you do actually have a kid, and that ignorance means it's more likely that any given couple will have a child.

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    • McBean

      Some investments payoff in the long run. I'm talking 30+ years. Wait until your 80th birthday when your established, intelligent adult children with your aspiring and upwardly mobile teenage grandchildren have a birthday party for you. You'll feel the warmth, the love, and the energy. Guess what? You'll know that it was worth it. You'll see that the wheel of life turned your efforts into something greater than yourself.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm not familiar with the Disneyland rant. What is up with that mess.

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    • Boojum

      I think it may be the Twit-storm that (very predictably) blew up after someone posted an ancient Facebook post that read:

      “It pisses me off TO NO END!!!!! When I see CHILDLESS COUPLES AT DISNEY WORLD. DW is a FAMILY amusement park!!!! Yet these IMMATURE millennials THROW AWAY THEIR MONEY ON USELESS CRAP!!!!!”

      Apparently, the poster strongly believes that only families should be permitted to throw their money away on useless crap. In any case, the rant seems to have been prompted by a woman “in some very SLUTTY shorts” buying a pretzel. By some mysterious process, this indecently-dressed millennial hussy caused there to be a very long pretzel line, meaning the ranter's precious sprog couldn't get a snack that would have given him or her about three times the recommended daily salt intake for a child.

      This entirely reasonable and rational complaint concluded with, “I fucking hate childless women with a BURNING PASSION!!!”

      Maybe she's a woman with issues of the why-the-fuck-did-I-have-a-kid variety, but I suspect it's just a demonstration of what happens to normally sane people after they spend a day with a kid in an environment that's designed to milk the maximum amount of money from visitors.

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      • CountessDouche

        Holy...I must get a t-shirt that says "pretzel buying, indecently dressed hussy"

        Thank you kindly for providing me a reason to get out of bed, fail to brush my teef, whist taking that nicely burning 1st shot of morning vodka.

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        • McBean


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      • RoseIsabella

        Frumpy bitches be triflin'. Sounds like she's jealous, and needs to get a gym membership. 🤣

        I'm not saying I have a perfect figure, because I don't, and I can't afford to go to Disneyworld, but Lord knows I've got better things to do with my thoughts, and emotions than waste em by being jealous. Woo, I bet that old gal who made the rant is a tired lookin thang! 😂

        This isn't nice, but I wish someone who knew this stupid woman would post a picture of her.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    To answer the title, I think people are entitled to have kids. Its a fundamental human right imo. So I'm against a law against a certain amount of kids and I'm against certain people not being allowed to have them based upon medical or mental conditions(with a few extreme exceptions)

    But to answer the post, I agree. Its considered shallow or selfish to not want a family nowadays and thats just not right. People who want kids are great people and should have the right to do and enjoy that, but don't socially press that objective onto those who don't want it. My mom got so disappointed when I said I am not planning on having kids.

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    • palehorse

      Unpopular opinion: reproduction is a privilege, not a right.

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      • Should be that way, really. Too many unwanted children, too many irresponsible parents.

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        • Doesnormalmatter

          Well with a lot of big descions, some people have the capacity to ruin it for others. And I think that should be tolerated to some extent. For example if we legalize weed, we can assure that some people will die and other will kill others as a result of them legalizing weed. But should be not legalize weed because of that?

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          • Hey, I'm Canadian. Weed is legal here.

            Just that when people keep squirting out babies they know full well they can't afford they all end up in the system, living off tax payers' money. I, for one, don't feel it's very fair that I have to help foot the bill for someone else's kids.

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            • Doesnormalmatter

              When I say we I mean as the US cause thats where I live.

              I see your point about people having kids when they know they can't financially support them and that costing other hard working folks tax dollars. Your position is very understandable and there should be a limit on how much we help people with that. But I do think we should still financially help through tax dollars.

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        To what extent? I mean there are some exceptions, just not that many. All things considered, I think its a privilege as well, just a pretty damn hard one to lose. But in extreme cases that right could be revoked. For example if you wanna castrate a multiple repeate offense rapist or a child rapist. Or maybe people with certain severe mental conditions.

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        • palehorse

          For example, I think China's one child policy was a pretty good idea and an effective way of preventing overpopulation.

          And I think people need to be certified in order to reproduce, in the same way you need state approval to adopt a child.

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          • Doesnormalmatter

            Well I do think overpopulation is a problem. But its also a probelm to tell parents they only get one child. So to me I would rather have overpopulation, than have the government confiscating peoples kids.

            Second statement I disagree with as well. I think people should be allowed to reproduce until proven otherwise.

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            • palehorse

              Chinese government didn't confiscate kids. IIRC, you got a fine for it or something along those lines, and don't get governmental support (i.e. education financing) for any other kids.

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    • I thank you for your thoughtful answer. I personally believe it is optional to have children not mandatory.

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        Thats what I'm saying to? Lol do you think I'm saying you should have to have kids??? I sure hope its not mandatory!

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