Is it normal that i think escorts are better than girlfriends and wives?
There seem to be very few, if any, benefits for men who choose to be in relationships.
An hour with an escort costs the same as dinner and the flicks, and the escort will never argue with you. You just pay her rate, have your fun, and leave.
You can argue that escorts are promiscuous because of their job, but so are a lot of women these days. It's kind of even as far as that goes, it's just that regular women don't charge for their promiscuity. With escorts it's a business arrangement.
As men, we're expected - not just wanted - to work hard, provide for, and protect our wives and girlfriends. Escorts give us so much more of a return on our investment.
Don't even get me started on marriage, either. That's a whole other level of financial and emotional sodomy.