Is it normal that i think greta thunberg looks weird as fuck?
Yeah I know she's old news at this point, but seriously, she looks so fucking weird. She's 18 now, and still looks like a 12 year old. How the hell is that possible? This perplexes me.
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Yeah I know she's old news at this point, but seriously, she looks so fucking weird. She's 18 now, and still looks like a 12 year old. How the hell is that possible? This perplexes me.
She is one with mental illness and earth illness. She put incredible pressure on herself in the position she put herself in. It’s not easy to go out there and make statements on contentious issues. I’m a firm believer that stress has a physiological effect on the body. Plus isn’t she Scandinavian lol
She looks a little young for 18 but as someone who lives near a uni and a sixth form college for 16-18 year-olds I see plenty of girls who look similar to her. The media makes us think 18 year-old girls should look 28 through encouraging teen stars to get plastic surgery and casting grown women to play teenagers.
Even if she was “weird” looking I don’t see why it would be relevant, the last I heard she was an environmental activist not a model.
I was shocked when I found out her age. Not only does she look younger but the way people talk about her gives the impression that she's a grade schooler or something.
Bruh when I was 20 they still gave me the kid's menu at restaurants...So I looked 12 or under.
Never heard of her before, but I just looked her up and she looks crazy young for being 18. She probably has a few more years of aging to do I'm assuming, especially in her facial features. It's not BAD to look as young as she does, I'm sure it must be inconvenient for her to deal with people constantly talking about it though.