Is it normal that i think hollywood has run-out of ideas?

It seems to me that Hollywood has completely run-out of ideas for new stories, thus they resort to just rebooting old franchises, or rip them off. They're just so damn unoriginal nowadays. Please give us something new for once!

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83% Normal
Based on 12 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    im waitin for the nic cage & angelina jolie remakea casablanca so i can burn down the movie theater

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  • olderdude-xx

    If you want to see original films to to the independent film festivals. That's where you will find the best movies with original ideas.

    Hollywood is about making money; and they have a formula for that. It has little to do with making good movies

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  • Definietely. All they do is remake old classics and turning them to shit. I just keep thinking that if they want to bring a new audience to those movies, screen the actual classics at the cinemas then. People would definietely watch. Meanwhile they could come up with some actual new ideas.
    Hollywood has really gone to shit. And all the god awful CGI they use for everything... It looks so fake and it's so lazy too. Movies were way better when they had to use special effects and get creative with how to make more complicated scenes come to life realistically. Back when Hollywood allowed for creative freedom.
    Not to mention how everything has to be so fucking politically correct nowadays.

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  • bubsy

    A lack of creativity isn't the reason modern films suck. Much of it has to do with producers being risk-averse: rebooting a known franchise will guarantee sales more than a new intellectual property will.

    The second reason is the social justice political BS the directors are forcing down audience's throats. Next LotR remake I'm sure Aragorn will be black and Legolas will be a tranny.

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    No s***? This happened bout 20 years ago, when they started remaking the old great movies, and they STUNK. Like Rear Window, which they renamed Disturbia, The Thing, King Kong, Ben Hur, and many others which were huge disappointments.

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    • Actually, it's more like 25 years. The phenomenon of rebooting old property was already popular in the late 90s, the most notorious example probably being Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.

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      • SwickDinging

        Fucking hell, that was an awful film.

        I remember going to see it in the cinema with my Star Wars obsessed boyfriend. He was so excited. I fell asleep half way through. Total waste of an evening.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Ghost busters transgender edition gonna be fire

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    • lmao.

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    • Somenormie

      If that happened then I can guarantee you that it will suck.

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    • Lusty-Argonian

      I'd watch that actually

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