Is it normal that i think i am going crazy based on these dreams?

Before Reading, do note I can hardly believe the details myself, but I swear that they happen.

For nights on end I have been finding something odd about my dreams. Night after night I have a dream that can turn out to be nice or nightmarish, but regardless I remember it all very clearly... Worse yet is that my dreams I feel usually foreshadow the next day's events, they seem to have their vagueness fluctuate at random.... Some nights I get a clear image or two with useful information that I never would of figured out, but mostly in other nights I only get vague stuff that leaves it up to my ability to make interpretations.
This is an effect I have put to good use many times when I could make sense of it all.

My friends have noticed my increase in awareness a bit here and there, but know nothing yet.

These dreams are very Lucid, but the details are random yet somehow look realistic.

The most weird thing is usually the Voice I hear is usually the Voice of a Woman, it sounds kind of like mine, but it isn't.

Now the odd thing is I can do stuff in this time-frame. I have talked to the voice about itself, but it only gives me small hints.... I have tried using the stuff I get to figure out if it is jut a coincidence I get this every night, or if this is a Demonic or Angelic interaction.

I want these dreams to stop, but somehow my attempts to put it all out of mine have failed. Therapy, or straight up medicine that stops dreams... nothing worked.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • sandnigga

    Do you believe in God?

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    • For the most part, yes. Tho the seeming absence of the existence of the supernatural being actually caught on film or something(fake youtube videos don't cut it as proof). has lead me to speculate a bit about it all multiple times. Tho I figure since we exist and there are many untold stories in the world, It wouldn't be entirely unlikely that he is there behind the scenes.

      I do wonder if stuff that extends beyond religion exists sometimes, and it is also behind the scenes, but without any way to get proof who will ever know?

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      • sandnigga

        Well thats good your at least open minded about it.

        I believe in God

        theres just different supernatural stuff that happens in the world

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        • I know, but I can not tell if this is it or it is my imagination... I have never had an issue with being "off" before.

          This dream-state I have been having constantly really confuses me, and makes things a bit creepy.

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          • sandnigga

            you mean being wrong? XD haha

            well i mean there is definately supernatural stuff

            i hear stuff about demons sometimes, dont know if its true myself, but its definately really interesting

            ive had a dream with a demon in it. i know it was a dream but that felt real to me

            its actually happened twice before

            maybe theres a reason why your having these dreams. maybe it isnt just concidence and theres something supernatural going on, and somebody wants you to know something

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            • Well off as in insane, but wrong works to :P.

              Seriously I do hope this condition is in my head, last thing I want to find out this is more than insanity.

              I am open-minded to stuff like the supernatural, but not to wanting to find out I have my sleep haunted my something evil.

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  • What does the voice tell you?

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    • It depends on what is being talked about... it will tell me a few things of the stuff to come if the stuff I see isn't self explanatory.

      It only gives me vague info on itself when I press it for answers as to why it disturbs my sleep.

      On a few occasions I have just asked it who it was, but it has said on multiple occasions. "To understand me, first you must the answers in these riddles I speak."

      For now the stuff I got is basically impossible for me to figure out.

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      • sandnigga

        id be careful with this

        it doesnt sound like a ordinary dream

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      • I don't know if you are religious but pray for your guardian angel or protector to keep bad-intentioned spirits away from you. Don't listen to this voice if it makes you feel negatively weird and don't do as it says. It might be an evil spirit.

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        • I have tried prayer, but it seems to not work. I focus a bit on the fact I have such a strange thing happening. Still, this thing tends to be a strange mix of a bit scary, yet slightly comforting. Whatever it is, it sure doesn't betray its origins easily.

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          • You might be psychic. Be careful and follow your intuition. I wish you much light in your journey.

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