Is it normal that i think i am going crazy based on these dreams?
Before Reading, do note I can hardly believe the details myself, but I swear that they happen.
For nights on end I have been finding something odd about my dreams. Night after night I have a dream that can turn out to be nice or nightmarish, but regardless I remember it all very clearly... Worse yet is that my dreams I feel usually foreshadow the next day's events, they seem to have their vagueness fluctuate at random.... Some nights I get a clear image or two with useful information that I never would of figured out, but mostly in other nights I only get vague stuff that leaves it up to my ability to make interpretations.
This is an effect I have put to good use many times when I could make sense of it all.
My friends have noticed my increase in awareness a bit here and there, but know nothing yet.
These dreams are very Lucid, but the details are random yet somehow look realistic.
The most weird thing is usually the Voice I hear is usually the Voice of a Woman, it sounds kind of like mine, but it isn't.
Now the odd thing is I can do stuff in this time-frame. I have talked to the voice about itself, but it only gives me small hints.... I have tried using the stuff I get to figure out if it is jut a coincidence I get this every night, or if this is a Demonic or Angelic interaction.
I want these dreams to stop, but somehow my attempts to put it all out of mine have failed. Therapy, or straight up medicine that stops dreams... nothing worked.