Is it normal that i think its stupid for christians and atheists to argue?

Argue over religion, that is. This is something people do all the time, everywhere, and to me it seems like the biggest waste of time.

Atheists generally put their faith in science- Christians go on faith alone. You can never scientifically prove that God exists. By the same token, just because you can't prove a thing exists, that does not mean it doesn't. There will always be things about this world we will NEVER understand.

Most people do not have the patience, intelligence, or character to debate religion without getting nasty about it in the end. Someone eventually comes to a point where they're stuck and can't rebut a good point the other side made. They get frustrated and start in with the name calling, and then it becomes an argument about THAT, instead of religion.

Even if they kept the debate civil- Christians, do you really think you're going to convert an atheist by the time you're done saying your piece? Atheists, do you really think you're going to talk a Christian into giving up his or her faith? I've never seen either of those happen.

In very rare instances those kind of debates can beneficial because you can learn interesting things about the Bible that you didn't know, parts where it contradicts itself, or other food for thought. But usually the debate turns vulgar before you can get to that.

What do you all think, is it worth it for Christians and Atheists to debate their religion, or lack thereof?

Voting Results
85% Normal
Based on 54 votes (46 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • howaminotmyself

    Engaging in these types of conversations is how we formulate our opinion. As long as we remember that it is only our opinion, it give us different perspectives on life. We can learn a great deal if we allow ourselves to. Just because some can't be civil, doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about it.

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    • Really? Because I always think that if someone can't express their opinion respectfully, they're better off not saying anything at all. Name calling and rudeness doesn't get the debate anywhere. It's something people do when they run out of things to say- which should then logically just be the end of their side of the discussion.

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  • WhyNotCrazyGrl21

    The Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:24- "And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil." I am a christian and I know it's silly to fight. Only to defend the faith.

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  • Atheist_Cookbook

    Firstly, the definition of faith is belief without evidence. So it is folly to say that someone has 'faith' in science, because science is a system based on empirical observations, reasoning, and 'evidence'. Science put us on the moon, gave us cars, medicine etc. It is impossible to argue with these results. You are correct that you cannot prove that god doesn't exist; atheists only assert 'their belief' that god does not exist based on the lack of evidence for such things. Furthermore, you also cannot disprove that there is a teapot orbiting the sun or that there is an invisible unicorn in the room with you right now. Arguing with Christians is useless because logic and reason do not work on them. If they had logic and reason, they would not be Christians in the first place. The goal of arguing with Christians, for me, is not to stop their belief; my goal is to merely point out how unsound and ridiculous their beliefs are in order to give them some food for thought which may manifest itself in a new world view somewhere down the line.

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  • Christians are exceptionally intolerant of non-Christians.

    Atheists are exceptionally defensive because of all of the intolerance.

    And atheism is not about a belief in science because even Christians have "faith in science"; it's a rejection of the notion of being ruled by god(s) that nobody can actually see.

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  • dappled

    You're absolutely right. But certain people won't let it lie. You have atheists who tell Christians there is no heaven, and you have Christians who tell atheists they are going to hell (despite them being good, honest, charitable atheists). People should stop arguing and just get out there and do some good, regardless of their beliefs.

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    • Allistalla


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  • Lynxikat

    THANK YOU, finally, SOMEONE sees sense in the stupid Christians vs. Atheist argument- it's frigging annoying.

    Yes, it is normal- I also think the argument is stupid.

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  • Pisslan616

    One point of view accurately reflects reality and the other doesn't. Both sides believe themselves to be right. That in and of itself is certain to cause conflict given human nature.

    I think it is an important debate to have because a lot of religious people have just excepted their faith without really thinking about it. At least if they see both sides of the discussion they can make their minds up for themselves. Who knows you could even convert a few atheists if the arguments are compelling enough. Of course there will always be shitstorms and pointless name calling but name a controversial issue that doesn't.

    Also if for example someone tells me I am not allowed to masturbate because of what is written in their holy book that I don't even believe in, then I don't think it's unreasonable for me to tell them to piss off and mind their own business.

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  • Unimportant

    Yeah, it's kinda silly how atheists try to convince believers, and believers try to convince atheists.

    Allways makes me wanna say: What's the problem, guys? You either believe in that stuff or you don't, what difference does it make what other people think?

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  • Atheist_Cookbook

    Example of flawed christian logic: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...makes perfect sense.

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  • Agent0

    Pray about it. lmao

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  • Chillpill

    I think it's important and beneficial for both sides to engage in debate about it. I'm genuinely interested to understand how people come to have faith or arrive at other conclusions about religion. I believe that this shapes a person's whole outlook on life (or the other way around) So imo the ideal would be to discuss but not to argue. Even though we're unlikely to change from one to the other, hopefully if we try, we'll be able to better understand each other.

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  • cuccobarn

    It's normal, but not so much to 'argue' as to 'debate'. Obviously in an ideal world people would respect others for their beliefs in an informed way and nobody would try to shove their thoughts down each others throats but I think that just comes from people's desire to want to appear as if they know what they're talking about, not to convert others (though I'm sure there are those kind of people around).
    Perhaps I don't know enough militants, but debates have never escalated to arguments anywhere other than on the internet in my experience.
    I don't think Christians don't go by faith alone, there's a good deal of logic involved in the thinking it took to got to some ideas! And there are more than two opinions - it's about theists in general :)
    People will always try to 'win', but as you say, there's no real way of doing so.

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  • It's normal if the debate goes nowhere (You're stupid! No you are!) but you have to challenge other people's beliefs if you're ever going to solidify your own.

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  • AngAnders112

    if God didnt want us to argue and fight and kill each other in His name, then he would have made robots instead of humans

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