Is it normal that i think japanese cars are uglier than american/european?
I dunno why the Japanese design so ugly-looking cars, compared to their american and german counterparts.
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I dunno why the Japanese design so ugly-looking cars, compared to their american and german counterparts.
Its actually due to driving conditions in japan. Lots of mountains and hills, not to mention thin alleys with lots of turns. Domestic cars needed to be compact and somewhat powerful.
Though this also has to contend with much of japan only needing to use their railway system to get to and from distant places. So car ownership isnt needed as much as us americans that require cars to get around efficiently. This could be interpreted as the free spirit nature of America, that or it was honestly the cheapest option. Either way America is still way too spread out to make a japanese style railway system economical..
Really. No styling. And what's with the Lexus grille? It looks like a giant mole rat.
I think it depends. I've always liked the look of a lot of Fords (and I'm probably a bit biased since I drive one, and my family has had several over the years). I don't mind some Hondas/Toyotas/Nissans, etc., but am not a fan of a lot of the fancy cars like Mercedes/BMW/etc., nor the really high dollar sports cars some of my friends are really into. This is all aesthetic, of course. It is also probably because I like what I am used to.
I've noticed that more than anything, though, I prefer the looks of certain eras of cars. I love the look of the cars from the '80s, for instance. They were so classy looking from the inside out, and had super comfortable interiors (from my limited experience with a Chrysler New Yorker, Dodge Dynasty, and a couple others, anyway). I like the more boxy style vs. rounded as well.
In terms of SUVs, I really dislike how most of them are really round and look like minivans now. I much preferred the older, more boxy style. I like the fact that SUVs/CUVs are higher off the ground and therefore easier to get in and out of, as well as the fact that they have plenty of room on the inside (though IME, these newer round ones do not; at least not some of the newer CUVs compared to the older ones), but do not want to drive something that looks like a cross between a minivan and a space shuttle. If I wanted a minivan, I would buy a minivan. That is my biggest pet peeve with products that are trying to be more like something else; if I wanted that, I would just go buy it and not an imitation of it, so leave the stuff I like alone, please!
Everyone has their preferences. I personally like Chevy, and Alfa Romeo the best.