Is it normal that i think many intellectuals are douchebags?

To me, it seems like a lot of really smart people are narcissistic douchebags with superiority complexes. BUT since they're smart, they're really good at hiding it.

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85% Normal
Based on 20 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    its a signa real intelligence to freely admit when youre wrong or that you dont know somethin

    and further to be able to figure out shit you dont know with minimal information

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      It also helps when ur stupid to know ur stupid.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Do you remember that college professor who said that 911 was our fault, because we deserved it?

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  • LloydAsher

    Yeah I think a lot of "intellectuals" are asshats. Mainly because while they are intellectuals in one area they belive that superiority makes them intellectuals in other "lesser" fields.

    Knowlage is a complex web. Acknologing that you will not learn everything thus having to rely on other people is the first step to become a true intellectual.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      They often have a hard time listening to others that they deem not as intelligent as they are.

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      • LloydAsher

        Even the most backwater coal miner will still have more knowlage about coal mining than I ever will.

        We all have our proficiencies.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          They're coal miners sir. Their opinion does not matter as much as yours. You went to university, they are not educated. They dont see the big picture like us high IQs. They're too racist to see its better for us to mine coal in China with Chinese people and ship it here. They're racist against the Chinese and selfishly want those jobs for themselves. DEY TOOK DER JEERBBBSS!

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  • Humans evolved to think they're right. Was that bush rumbling because of a lion, or am I wrong and it's just the wind? Thinking you're right when looking at danger signs keeps individuals alive longer

    Combine that with someone who's smart who interacts with their environment successfully over a period of time and hubris or something similar is likely to follow

    That's not always guaranteed though and it shouldn't be examined too obviously; I've had people who think bad things about me because I'm smart, have quick and effective decision making, and I'm absolutely terrible at and terrified of talking to people. They end up showing me they're shitty people because they want their opinion to be true so bad that they end up creating these self fulfilling prophecies for themselves where I want them to fuck off with how in my business they are. When that happens, even if I see it coming, I can't change their mind or anyone who happens to be in good social standing with them. I can't explain to them how they have failed as an observer and theorist. They've just got it locked in their brain that I'm bad.

    So don't be like that, don't show behavior that should obviously yield results that match your presupposition. Some smart people are just trying to do the best they can with what's available, and outside of being smart I just can't honestly handle talking to people. I can handle work because I need money, but I'm still bad enough with people that if they don't have the best investigative mind they could easily see me as something different from what I am.

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    • It's the shit testers who push me until I react to "prove" I'm bad, I get those a lot.

      I could just imagine a scenario with them and a fisherman. The shit tester asks the fisherman how he catches so much, to which the fisherman comments on how things like lures and bait will attract certain species.

      The shit tester sees how he can get what he wants, the fisherman understands how to best approach each body of water and how to optimize his results

      The shit tester is selfish and the fisherman operates seemlessly within his environment

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  • KholatKhult

    You’re 100% correct. But most don’t hide it too well, they’re pretty obviously cringe
    They’re cocky until you make them do eye contact.

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    • Bruh I look into people's souls and it makes them uncomfortable sometimes. I don't know what to do, I either do full eye contact and read face/ body language or I look off to the side uncomfortably

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    You mean the CEO of certain companies? 😌

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  • bbrown95

    I'm not sure I've met a lot of actual intellectuals, but the people who think they're intellectuals and who actually seem very ignorant (and also very arrogant) tend to really fit this bill as well.

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  • Pilum


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  • Yeah definietely. At least those who make it a thing that they're smart. I like intellectual people at first because you can actually have a conversation with them but in the end they're always douchy.
    I knew a guy once who told me he'd been on and off with this woman for years, and the reason he couldn't commit to her was because her GRAMMAR wasn't up to his standard... I totally get having a pet peeve for something like that, I know I do, but to actually reject someone you clearly like as a person (if you can't let them go) just because their grammar isn't good enough. He said it made her appear stupid and he can't be with a stupid person. He was one of those ~intellectuals~ who pride themselves at being "deep thinkers", "sensitive" and better than everyone else.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    it's a superiority complex

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