Is it normal that i think people who disagree with feminism are all pigs?

Why does anyone think that women don't deserve the same rights given to men? What is the deal with misogynists? I've even heard them call people like me "Feminazi's". Is wanting to liberate women from oppression really deserving of a comparison to the people who killed 6 million of my people?

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Comments ( 46 )
  • Let me educate you.

    Feminism does not own the idea of equality. Understand that. When we look at the idea of what it is to be equal, the issues to pass to become equal, and the methods to take to achieve equality, we do not have to see that idea thought he delusional theories feminism makes up.

    Just because "you" believe in equality does not mean "I" don't believe in equality for not agreeing with "your" methods, the issues you claim to be existent, your theories on the issue, and so on.

    I can agree with the conclusion but not the method to reach those conclusions.

    You believe that women deserve to be treated equal in areas they are treated equal, giving the impression they aren't, making an issue a non-issue.

    Your movement is moronic, it is as simple as that. I believe in equality, but I don't believe in your "bias" idea of equality, the delusions of a patriarchy and that "women" are the ones facing harsh inequalities, especially when they actually have strong biases in their "favor" in the eyes of the law.

    You sit there and claim oppression where there is no oppression, all while demanding respect as an equal for fighting against a delusion you have made yourself.

    "You aren't a feminist? You are a pig that doesn't believe in equality!". Such a moronic mentality for morons. You are so full of yourselves that you think you "own" equality as an issue, and that anyone that deviates from you blatantly sexist group are the ones that are sexist.

    No, I am for equality and I am an anti-feminist. Why? Because I don't believe a "bias" equality is equality, which is what your ideology is all about.

    Feminism is not about equality, it can't be about equality. A group that focuses on getting the choice of men but none of the responsibility, yet not trying to fix the issues where women benefit in a sexist manner is a one-sided, sexist movement.

    You are the sexist pigs here.

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    • Amistrangeornuts


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    • Korak

      Thanks for putting clarity to my long held thoughts on the deluded self-righteous ideology of so called feminism.

      There are women in the world who have authority, power freedom and absolute respect from men. I can tell you one thing, they earned it. They didn't get there by attending feminist meetings and group bitching like a bunch of cowards who need a group to give them an identity.

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  • Short4Words

    Feminazi's is a gross use of hyperbole but not all men who disagree with feminism are pigs. Look at this way, a lot of men are under the impression because of certain loud advocates of feminism and other female role models in media, that feminism is not just about equal rights, it's about putting women above men. I'm positive there is a fair amount of demonizing feminism for these incidents. Other than that I can't help. I think it's just a case of the loudest being heard because other than that we don't really hear about any positive moments in the femenist movement.

    I'll take a look around and see if I can identify key contributors to this belief.

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    • Wuggums47

      I guess I see what you mean, but at it's core feminism is about EQUAL rights, and empowerment of women. Anyone who sounds like they think women deserve more rights than men, is either incorrect, or just venting frustration. When I mean venting frustration, sometimes I feel like we should tell the rich white men that they are the ones who shouldn't be making as much money, and that they are the ones who should have to wear makeup and high heels. Then I always wake up and realize that it's' better we don't make anyone else go through the ridiculous things women have to do now just to be attractive.

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      • Nothing says "empowerment" like convincing people they are victims of everything around them, even when it has been proven to be untrue. So empowering.

        So, hold on. Your idea of equality here is that "white-men" (a mix of racism and sexism. Your movement is so noble) should be poor? Why? They worked to that position, and so they own that position, and they deserve the money they work for.

        "Should be forced to wear make up and high heels". Women are not forced to do these things, and so saying men should for what "women" choose to do is ridiculous.
        Hey, I got an idea. They wear make up and high heels, and you get strapped with mining equipment and get sent down to the mines. Good deal? Because we know how hard it is to choose to use make up and heels.

        "The oppression of making my own choices that are uncomfortable". -Sigh-

        "Ridiculous things women have to now just to be attractive".

        Well excuse fuckin' me. I forgot that who "men" are attracted to is something "women" should get to choose.
        You do not "need" to aim to attract men if you don't want to, but you have "NO" right to try and dictate or shame men for who they are attracted to, because that is "their" choice.

        You need feminism because you aren't pretty enough? You need feminism to "FORCE ATTRACTION"?

        For fuck sake. You are calling the people that oppose you the pigs? Get a grip and realize who such a label fits more.

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        • Wuggums47

          "So, hold on. Your idea of equality here is that "white-men" (a mix of racism and sexism. Your movement is so noble) should be poor? Why? They worked to that position, and so they own that position, and they deserve the money they work for."

          So what you're trying to say is that white men worked hard to become white men? I'm not saying that white men shouldn't be able to make money, I just think that they shouldn't be given a greater opportunity to have a high qaulity of life than for example, an woman from Saudi Arabia who has all the same skills and talents.

          "You need feminism because you aren't pretty enough? You need feminism to "FORCE ATTRACTION"?"

          Feminism isn't about how pretty the feminist is. In my personal opinion, a woman with very short hair and no makeup should have their own beauty recognized as well. Society is only less accepting of her because they have been bombarded with constant imagery of airbrushed women who's looks are often times physically impossible. This sets an impossible standard for the women who see these images. And it's not like you can choose not to see them, unless you go live in a cave. Also why is "FORCE ATTRACTION" in quotation marks? I don't recall saying that, especially not in all caps.

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          • -Face palm-

            I thought this would be good, but now I am realizing that I expect too much from a feminist.

            No, white men did not work hard to be white men, white men worked to get in to the positions they are in now, because there are larger quantities of white men with the experience to be in high paying fields than women in Saudi Arabia in quantity that can do the same, thus there will be more white men suited for the roles than women from Saudi Arabia, because with a larger quantity comes the larger chance of people with higher quality in that group of larger quantity.

            If there are more white men than Saudi Arabian women, but all have the same skill set, then there will more than likely be more white men put in to those positions because they are the larger quantity.

            "Then I always wake up and realize that it's' better we don't make anyone else go through the ridiculous things women have to do now just to be attractive."

            You don't "have" to aim towards attracting men, thus you don't "have" to go through the standards of beauty.
            If you do want to attract men, then you go through the standards of what men are attracted to. You are showing your dislike for these standards, thus think they are wrong, and so think that men having these standards of beauty are wrong, as if they do not have the right to choose what they are attracted to simply because you dislike what they are attracted to or cannot obtain such a standard.

            "n my personal opinion, a woman with very short hair and no makeup should have their own beauty recognized as well."

            Oh, they "should", should they? Like I said, you are trying to force attraction. "I think women that do not look the way men find appealing should also be seen as appealing by men".
            Not happening. Understand that. You do not get to dictate what men are attracted to. End of. Not happening.

            "often times physically impossible. This sets an impossible standard for the women who see these images."

            So? Just because we would prefer if people "could" reach those standards does not mean that we "expect" people to reach those standards. Once again, just because "you" (as in all women) cannot reach a standard of beauty, does not mean that men cannot see that beauty as the best type of it. Just because something is unattainable by women does not mean men cannot enjoy it.

            If women want to compete with these models, then that is their choice, they don't have to, and we don't expect them to, we may like the images more, but that doesn't mean those images are expected of all women.

            You think it's wrong for men to find something sexually attractive in which women cannot obtain? Boohoo. Like I said, male sexuality is not based on if you feel good about yourself. Male sexuality is about "male" sexuality, not "what females can obtain sexually". Our sexuality is not made for "your" self-esteem, nor should it be.

            "And it's not like you can choose not to see them, unless you go live in a cave. Also why is "FORCE ATTRACTION" in quotation marks? I don't recall saying that, especially not in all caps."

            Well yes, actually, there is. Don't look at them. Simple, right? Ah, not for you, though, right? Aslong as there are things out there that might please men visually and sexually more than you could, then they should not exist at all, right?


            The quotation marks are just a habit of mine where I put emphasis on a certain word or am using what you said in a blunt manner to express how wrong it is.

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        • As many times as I've disagreed with you...

          ...this time, I honestly couldn't have said it better myself.

          Thumbs up.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    You aren't oppressed. Go to Afghanistan or Iran for real oppression.

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    • But, but, that would mean that they would actually have to "fight" for something where they will be faced with real opposition, and we all know that feminists don't like "actually" fighting against real opposition and that their idea of "fighting back" is screaming and shouting at people that are not hitting back.

      Kind of like bullies, really. They will scream and fight against those not doing the same to them, but they wouldn't dare go to areas where they know they would actually have to fight and sacrifice for women in areas where they would have real opposition.

      Cowardice, really.

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      • KekReptilian

        Very good points. One cannot help but notice the silence from feminists regarding rapes committed by muslim "refugees" in Europe.

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  • I think that there's a seriously overreaching definition of "feminism."

    Men are typically bigger, stronger, and more aggressive. Women are typically more nurturing and...dare I say it? ...effeminate, but just as strong psychologically.

    I have a mother, a wife, and a daughter whom I respect and honor beyond any reach. I'd protect them all with my life. That's not a matriarchy, a patriarchy, or anarchy...that's how nature made us.

    I witnessed my wife bear my children. I watched her carry a growing baby in her belly for nine months each time, then push each out through a passage an inch in diameter. Through all of this, she'd affectionately stroke my hand and offer words of affection...and thank me for doing this to her. There's no way anything I could do in this lifetime match that...not even close.

    She's 5'2", 120lbs. I'm 5'11" 200lbs. I could pick her up and throw her. Ask me which one of us is stronger...I'd tell you she is.

    Men don't have periods. Men don't bear children. I'm not going to apologize for how nature made us. She doesn't wear high heals, but if she wanted to, she could. I couldn't if I wanted to.

    My kids don't come to me when they have a skinned knee, face disappointment, or a broken heart...they go to mom. Even though my heart aches just as much when they face these's how we're made.

    At work...I'm more aggressive. I've come out and told my boss to fuck off if he doesn't pay me what I deserve. even though she's just as valuable at work, my wife isn't that bold. It's how we're made.

    Being equal doesn't mean we're identical. It just means we're valued the same.

    "Feminazis" want to dominate us and blame men for the physiological differences that bring balance to society. They want to emasculate men, and shame us for who we are.

    Being "equal" doesn't mean we're the same. We should celebrate our differences while we revel in our equality.

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  • AutumnEquinox

    Just going to add this in here lol. I am a 21 yr old female and most modern day women can't stand what I wish for. I wish I didn't need to get a job, I wish I didn't need to vote, I wish a man would take care of me and provide for me the rest of my life. And in return I would love him, be faithful, raise his children, and take care of a house.

    All of that being said however I have a part time job, enrolled in college, and hoping to marry a man that says the only way I'm allowed to not have a job is if one of us wins the lottery.

    I hate feminists lol.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    I agree men and women should have equal rights. I however do not agree with MODERN feminist. When you go up to a mother and say "You are a worthless whore for having a family, taking care of your kids, being loyal to your husband and not working for your self" while encouraging a mom "No run away and leave your family. It does not matter if your kids you choose to bring into this world needs you. Run away and abandon your family completely and live life how you want" you know that chick is a fucking BITCH! Some things you do not do! Abandoning your family you choose to have is pretty fucking selfish. If you wanted to run away to Paris WAIT TO HAVE A FUCKING FAMILY! Feminist confused empowerment with being a bitch. THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE!

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    • Korak

      nicely put Romeo.

      in adition, more than 95% of women are happy to be women. A few loud mouth tomboys try to go against the grain and pretend that they are the voice of the other 95%. So they are in effect talking extra loud to make up for the fact that they are a fairly insignificant minority.

      in the entire thread I don't think I noticed any other women rallying to this one woman's opinions.

      probably because most women are not confused self hating, man wannabees.

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        I don't think most women are extremely bothered to be women. I think most women are bothered when they are belittled for being women or not being the right kind of woman.

        This seems to be coming from other women like "Feminist" and shovinist. I think if people weren't so sexist most people would be fine with their gender. Saying "Women need to be in the kitchen" is not something we should demand. Yet saying "Any women that chooses to stay in the kitchen" is a stupid whore is not right either.

        Its not like men do not cook as well. We have male chefs. We never see being a male chef in a bad lite. He just likes to cook. If we treated everyone who cooked like we would a chef I really doubt such things would be a major issue. We also have janitors. Is a janitor not essentially the same as a maid? Now feminists see this as demeaning but its not like these are only careers women get. Lots of men do it too and are proud to do it. So there is nothing wrong with being a stay at home mother.

        Yes women being moms might be old fashioned but its something a lot of women enjoy. If people were a little more accepting of each other I really don't think gender would be that much of an issue.

        However if a female wanted to do something else like boxing for example that is fine to. The truth is we are not different. We have the same fields for men and women. However we usually call it something different depending on the gender. People are so tied into these gender roles they are too blind to see that.

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  • thr

    You are being too aggressive. Opposing feminism doesn't mean you dislike women.

    The term feminazi is maybe off the mark, but I think it is not meant as a comparison to perpetrators of the holocaust.

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    • Wuggums47

      Maybe I am being a bit agressive, but I like to think I'm not way out there like the type of "feminist" and I use that term loosely, who think women deserve better treatment than men. Also if the term feminazi isn't meant to compare feminists to the Third Reich, then why does it have "nazi" in it.

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      • thr

        It seems to me that what feminism is and how people view it differs according to time and geography.

        Regarding the word feminazi, there's a whole Wikipedia page on it, and there it says that Rush Limbaugh coined the term defining it as meaning "radical feminists whose objective is to see that there are as many abortions as possible". I guess, you could see that as a comparison to a group of killers of many people. Prior to reading this IIN question, I didn't perceive it as such.

        However, it seems that "food nazi" and "spelling nazi" are also terms used by people, and I would think there isn't any intention of referring to the Holocaust there.

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      • Korak

        it is supposed to compare feminists to nazis thr was probably just trying to be polite.

        the reason feminazi is a popular word is because it sums up how most people view feminists.

        arrogant, heard minded, trying to blame another group for their struggles.

        in the early stages of the holocaust, Adolf blamed the Jews for the widespread poverty in Germany. He found an eager audience among the uneducated and simple minded.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    I know it's to late to change it but... feminism is just a bad name. It made sense in a time when women were far less privileged then men. But today when men and women both have their own privileges and disadvantages it just sounds odly one sided.
    So I think the main problem is bad marketing.

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    • KekReptilian

      The main problem is feminism itself. What to make of the likes of one julie bindel saying that men should be placed in concentration camps? Or the "i bathe in male tears" shirt worn by jessica valenti? Or second wave feminists saying all heterosexual sex is rape and all heterosexual men are rapists? Or feminists on a TV show laughing over a man's penis being cut off? Feminism is just as bad as the Ku Klux Klan or neo Nazis.

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  • KekReptilian

    The pig is in your mirror trigglypuff!! Now go cry in your safe space with coloring books and playdoh.

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  • Swan_Theif9854

    It's because a lot of the women that represent us in the fight draw the attention and represent poorly. Whenever I watch feministfrequency my boyfriend accuses the woman depicted in the video of being sexist, and he's never even viewed her content. The truth of the matter is everone thinks the fight is over, and are settling with the way things are. I find this to be quite depressing, like less than a person. I can't even talk with my boyfriend about this. When we usually can disguss anything.

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    • KekReptilian

      The "fight"? Why don't you go fight the muslims in Europe that are committing rapes? Why don't you go fight in the countries where a woman might get acid thrown in her face for rejecting the husband her family chooses for her? White women in the Western world with a living standard of middle class or higher are the most spoiled, privileged overcoddled human beings in the world.Even many of the white men with similar living standards had to work to attain and maintain those lifestyles. They didn't get there just by marrying some guy with money and prospects. And as for men less fortunate of all races feminists look down on them as lesser human beings. "Less than a person" indeed!! It is FEMINISM that DEHUMANIZES MEN!!!

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  • Avant-Garde

    So, I'm a a boar woman, eh? I'll wear these tusks of mine with pride!

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    • jeremybrown50k

      I dont care what you wear <3, but one day we will wear each other...

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      • Avant-Garde


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  • ThatCreepyWhiteGuy

    I'm not a pig. I'm a dire boar.

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  • BunFun

    Man, I wish my Pikachu would hurry up and evolve

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  • hail_satin_666

    You're not getting anywhere with that frame of mind. Focus on a little thing called equality.

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  • GreyWulfen

    You certainly don't know what "feminism" is. We can't get equal statuses by just focusing on one gender.

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  • handsignals

    Question OP: I don't want to oppress woman, in fact I don't want to oppress anyone. Now when it comes to relationships, I don't want one, I just want sex.

    Does that make me sexist?

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    • Wuggums47

      No, not at all. However one thing to consider, is that depending on if you are a man or a woman, other people might have different perceptions of you. If you are a man, and you successfully have a large amount of sexual relationships, then you get called a stud, if a woman does it, she get's called a slut.

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      • handsignals

        When a woman does it I call her 'my type'.

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      • Korak

        That is soooo old an argument.

        noone cares anymore.

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      • There's a reason for that, and it is called standards.

        Women have made and kept the standard that they do not give sex out to just anybody, that they don't have sex just because a guy has a penis. That is their standard that they have kept for themselves.
        So when a woman deviates from the standards women in general maintain, then she has deviated from the standard of women, thus will be seen as something negative in terms of going against that standard.

        The males never had that standard, infact the had the opposite, they would have sex with people just for having a vagina, infact it is their standard to have sex when offered, and when men deviate from that standard, the standard men made and maintained, they also get a told something with negative intent for deviating from the male standard, such as being called gay.
        I know this one myself because I have had a woman say this because I didn't want her hand on my crotch.

        So it is not a double standard, it is infarct two completely separate standards that the genders have kept themselves, and both have negative responses when when deviating from them, not just the female one.

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  • dybex

    I'm not denying that there are third world and developing countries where woman and girls are treated appallingly.

    But if feminism was truly about EQUAL rights then surely the whole movement is now irrelevant in most developed countries.

    What mysterious rights were given to me as a male that weren't also given to you as a female? What restrictions do you feel you face as a woman that I don't as a man?

    People may not fully understand what your problem is. Do you think that calling them names or dehumanizing them will fix things?

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    • Wuggums47

      I've noticed a lot of people in the comments just assume I'm a woman. I suppose this is understandable, as the common stereotype of women is that they are prone to being emotional and passionate.

      But I can tell you that women are statistically less likely to be hired and promoted fairly, just look at the number of women in senior management. Women are more likely to be the victims of rape, and women are expected to take a domestic role in a household.

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      • Korak

        You know, what you are is a sad and pathetic person.

        I've never raped a woman, never even thought of it. Yet my whole life I have to listen to scum like you hold the rape card up against my gender. You are a pathetic coward. desperate for attention and willing to do anything to get it.

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      • No, they do not assume that due to the reasons you mentioned, they assume that because most feminists are females, and so it is more likely that you would be a female, not a male.

        Yes, and why are they less likely to get hired? See, you skip the "why" and go right to the conclusion, which is just pure ignorance, just like the wage gap myth was made by pure ignorance and was shown to not be due to discrimination.
        That the reason why there was a wage gap was because men gravitated towards higher paying jobs, where as women gravitated towards more comfortable/risk free jobs that paid less, and so on, which is why more men on average had more pay, because they worked in an area that gave higher pay.

        "More women are raped". Wrong:

        Actuality; men are raped more. Never heard that, did you? Wouldn't accept it either, right? Because as a feminist, even after now knowing the article I just sent you, you will just brush it off and not care, yet tell us how we should care so much about female rape victims.

        However, statistically, men are the majority of violent crime victims, along side homicide victims, suicide victims, homeless, and so on.

        I like how we are to just ignore that, how men are the majority of victims in "multiple" crime categories, but we should focus on helping women because, as you believed, which I showed a link to prove otherwise, thought women were the majority of victims in just one category of crime.

        Women are expected to take the domestic role, as in cooking, cleaning, etc? Just like men are expected to be the one that fix the sink, the car, the roof, and expected to protect the woman from any harm from others, jobs that involve more risk than the female domestic expectations.
        Again, you show how one sided your ideology is.

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        • Hugh*Janus

          Sorry but that article doesn't prove more men are raped than women. Its a classic example of media sensationalism. You fell for it.

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          • Ofcourse, ofcourse. Anything you don't want to accept must be false, because it couldn't possibly be that you were wrong. Silly me.

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            • Hugh*Janus

              Your first clue should be that the article doesn't define rape. Second they are talking about incarcerated people who cant consent to sex legally even if they are doing it willingy (making it very different than forcible rape) Third, prison "rapes" are mostly investigated and dealt with in-house by low level corrections officers, not in a court of law. Fourth, there was a crackdown recently regarding prison "rape" so every time they catch 2 dudes humping they have to report it even if the guys are bf's resulting in an explosion of rape reports. The data this is based on is sketchy to say the least. And so on.....

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      • dybex

        They assumed wrongly, like me, that you weren't trolling. Because no man thinks like the OP in real life.

        You talk about numbers and statistics but can't quote any. You might as well tell me that Santa is going to get me a train set for Christmas while you're at it.

        And how do you know I wasn't raped? How do you know my partner isn't the main bread winner in the household? See, I can be an anonymous asshole too.

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