Is it normal that i think sigmund freud's psychoanalytic theory is bullshit?

I've never gotten why psychology has taken Sigmund Freud so seriously.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Wryladradofft

    Psychology as a science is very difficult, and for a long time people struggled to find ways to justify it as a science at all because it's so much harder to gather reliable, empirical data when you're working with something as dynamically insane as human rationale and behavior.

    For a very long time we just had to take what we could get, and if that means I gotta have a crack-addled Austrian tell me I wanna do immoral things to my mom then so be it.

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    Freudian psychoanalysis is pretty much defunct, but his insights into subliminal bahavior, the significance of dreams, and the stages of life development are still very valid. He was a true genius.

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  • Tommythecaty

    He got a lot of the causality wrong, but his descriptive notes on behaviours were more on point than many realise.

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