Is it normal that i think the earth will stop rotating around the sun?

I'm not a scientist or anything like that, but all these fires and floods and climate change stuff gave me a sickening thought: What if, because of all the damage being done to the Earth, its rotation around the Sun gets diverted slightly and we start spiraling out of control into outer space? All of us would die horribly and painfully. I keep fearing this will happen. Is it normal? Do you think similar things about the Earth?

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14% Normal
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Short4Words

    We won't just fall out of gravity. The amount of destruction needed to move the Earth way off it's axis would surely destroy us first, be it multiple volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, or meteor.

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    Eventually the earth will be pulled into the sun. Think about that the next time your dropping a duce.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Ah yes... squeeze easy, my friend... squeeze easy.

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  • thegypsysailor

    A little reading about this thing called gravity should end those fears quickly. Try google.

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  • answerme

    It's been proven even if the planet went off coarse we would still live for thousands of years thanks to technology like heaters wind mills etc. and we still have enough oxygen for thousands of years even without trees. It would be the same as normal but we would have to wear a coat outside and it would always be dark. But oxygen would freeze but it would turn into a snow like powder so if we melt snow we would get oxygen

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  • DolphinAngel

    A very good trolling attempt, I have to admit. Do you want to know what gave it away? Your story is too well written to be serious. A person that really wondered something like this couldn't write a story like this.

    I still laughed, so thank you for that :P

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