Is it normal that i think today's feminism is dumb?

Don't get me wrong. I think the old form of Feminism, the one that reigned before approximately 2010, was completely reasonable. However, around that time, feminism morphed from being about equal-rights, to female supremacy. That approach is nothing but counter-productive. They're basically trying to fight fire with fire, which is stupid.

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81% Normal
Based on 16 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • S0m3th1ng

    People misunderstood the concept of feminism, I hate when people claim to be a feminism by despiting man. Feminism is still about equal rights, however those people who call themselves feminism but make a female supremacy instead, makes feminism look like a bad stuff. That's why some people that are truly feminism don't adimit it, they don't want to be compared with those people.

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  • Sanara

    I think we need a completely new term to separate from modern feminism, and just focus on equal rights (not equal results). Maybe equalism. Nowadays feminism is ruined and there is far too much disagreement and confusion about what feminism really is to make it any useful. I wonder if all the people hating on feminism/feminists in general are actually against equal rights for both genders.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Liberalism is good and bad. Places like Afghanistan could use some liberalism. The problem with liberalism is these groups always have a continued need to liberate even after the goal is met. Once they get done liberating the transgender movement it'll move on to something else odd like trans-species.

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    • Jem_Shadow

      The problem with conservatism is they like to take away people's healthcare and make them homeless.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Make them homeless? You can only make yourself homeless where I live.

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  • SmokesTheScrapper

    I know what you mean. And many exploit the word feminimus to create really unnecessary drama in the process. I hate this kind of feminism, or rather it is no longer feminism at all, as you say.

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  • bigbudchonger

    Yes, you are normal with this. Today's feminism is crazy.

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  • There's a lot of performative feminism nowadays, and a lot of feminism focusing on the wrong issues. There's still plenty of inequality in the world but not being "allowed" to have body hair or flailing your boops around aren't part of it. Sure those are issues too but pretty minor ones and they don't need to be talked about left and right, just don't shave and voila you're done. If more and more women stop caring so much about that, then it will eventually be normalized. As for nipples not being sexualized I don't care, I wouldn't feel comfortable walking tits bare anyways.
    Hating on men... Well I think it gets misinterpreted when it's said "I hate men", what those women mean are "I hate men who abuse, rape and act superior" but that's too long of a sentence to keep repeating. We shouldn't hate anyone though, and feminism - real feminism - is also about mens issue with macho culture which is the reason why for example more men than women commit suicide. It's ingrained in them that it's not "macho" to ask for help or even that it's weak to suffer with mental illness and therefore they don't deserve living. Macho culture affects both women and men negatively and feminism should lift that. Many so called feminists today though are more focused on gaining likes and follows on social media which is easy peasy by lifting unimportant, minor issues and being all "men suck, women rule, yaay!" on social media.

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  • idolomantis

    It’s normal to disagree with anything. I’m completely in line with the spirit of real feminism, I just personally prefer humanism as a whole. Feminism will probably always be a very important important topic to me since I’m female, though. I just go by the definition from Oxford Languages, which Google uses.

    Fem•i•nism - noun: the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Feminism is for equal rights. Anyone who acts like it's about superiority isn't a feminist.

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  • jodi1955

    female has changed every year since i can remember, so today it is a lot different than it was 20 years ago and will be different in another 20 years thats life

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