Is it normal that i think we should sometimes take the muslim approach

I think that western countries have become to soft on crime.

If you kill your GF because she cheated on you, life in prison, that's fine.

But, the worthless piece of Polish shit that starved, beat, and neglected Daniel Pelka, that cunt and his slut,whore, piece of shit GF should be publicly tortured to death.

Prison is too easy for them.

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17% Normal
Based on 6 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • dom180

    Sigh. Not even going to bother pointing out every thing that is racist about this post. I can count several (hint: it's every single bloody word).

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    • Are there still public exterminations in countries that are predominatly muslim?

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      • dom180

        Are public executions really that more barbarous than private executions, or detaining people indefinitely without trial?

        Bad things happen all over the world regardless of the size of the Islamic population. Conclusion: Islam is not the problem.

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        • In Pakistan a woman was sentenced to gang rape as punishment for not going out in public with a male escort, example 1 of millions. Is this something that has ever happened in Britain, answer no. Conclusion: kill all muslims.

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      • GoraIntoDesiGals

        Iran hangs them with cranes. Public executions are apparently their most advanced technology after centrifuges lol.

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        Yes cheating is wrong and if you did something like this I would not be very sympathetic to the cheater. However what you speak of is extremist behaviour. I am also sorry to say I could not make out that sentence about the case with all the cussing. Try adding less vulgarity and use actual words when making a point.

        It came out to rubbish so I cant begin to figure out what case you are talking about. Public killings were very brutal and people in that time were very violent. I am completely for the death penalty. We have too many pedos, rapist, child abductors and I dont think those type of sick crimes should be forgiven.

        People who have been charged multiple times for these crimes. Some places chop off peoples hands for stealing. While I think stealing is wrong I do not think chopping off someones hands for it is productive.

        Plus its bad for the economy since we have another poor person who can not find work and can not support themselves. Since we chose to doom them to failure for a petty crime. Also I do not think cheating should be life in prison maybe just shame them like they did in the good old days. They use to make them walk around town with a big A on there chest.

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  • thecowboy911

    I have been reading about religions for a while and that issue about islam got my attention. Couple public excutions in public and nobody would ever consider killing others. Some ppl call it barbaric but i think the sharia law ( when u actually get to read about it from muslim resources ) can limit crime to a great extent.

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