Is it normal that i try to be kind while playing multiplayer games?

I see people stepping on or running through other's characters all of the time, and although I know they probably can't be bothered or consider it unnecessary, I find it rude if a player's character can be avoided. And I don't mean that people should be careful to avoid the fashionogi douches blocking the front gates, I mean people sitting around minding their own business, or chatting with friends while standing out of any pathways. I do my best to avoid running through anyone, because mentally for me, it's as if I bumped into them in real life. It should be common mmorpg courtesy.

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61% Normal
Based on 33 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Spankz

    No, I don't think it's weird at all. When I play WoW I'm usually very polite, because I hate those people that run around and causing shit for no reason. I find the hospitality in the gaming world is almost non-existent, so it is extremely refreshing to find someone with manners! I wouldn't say this is normal, but that's only because not a lot of people do it.

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  • Arm0se

    It's called not being a dick. Good for you! <- (not sarcasm there really should be more people like you)

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  • megadriver

    Seems normal. When I play multiplayer games and there is no collision detection for players, I try to avoid going through them. It takes away realism if I just stand inside someone. Tho when I'm in a silly mood, I sometimes block someone with a vehicle for a laugh. Done that in the ARMA games XD

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