Is it normal that i usually imagine how will it be if something happens?

I mean, I some times have some kinds of flashes about my future and think what will happen if a determined thing occur. That bothers me because it makes me get frightened of future.

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68% Normal
Based on 40 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • russellnb

    I hope it is normal, it happens to me all the time. Except I like thinking about if it does or does not happen.

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  • Equinox118

    Well if you can see things that could happen aren't you able to do things differently so you change your future.

    I wish I could do that, it would stop so many embarrassing moments. Just a thought.

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    • Unfortunately I imagine only the things that I'd like to happen, and they almost never become true.

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