Is it normal that i want to be an actor, yet am too terrified to persue it?

for as long as i can remember, i've wanted to act.
when i was a kid i always preferred to act out scenes from tv programs or films, or i'd make up my own stories and act them out with my toys, giving them each an individual character.
however i've instead tried dropping that dream to go to an animal college, and eventually work with animals, because i'm afraid that by being transgender it would affect my chances of getting roles, as depending on where i am in my transition, i may not have a male body, and there will always be certain aspects of me different to a guy born male (eg surgery scars)
is it normal that i have these fears?

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95% Normal
Based on 19 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • russellnb

    Over come it. Many famous people have doe just that. Find ways to speak to more and more people. Find a local theater and get small parts to start. If you want it you can do it.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I always wanted to create a videogame but I'm still procrastinating.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    As some of you might know, I long desperatly to be a filmmaker/writer. Unfortunatly, I to fear seaking my dreams. I guess I'm afraid of messing up. Lately, I've even been afraid to write. I wouldn't say drop the dream, but study in what you want. You want to be an actor, study other actors, go to school, make the best effort at it. I always say that if I don't reach my aspirations, I'll never be happy in life, and I strongly believe that. If you want something, you have to go for it, and right now, I'm preaching to myself as much as I am to you. If we let fear be our drive, where will we get in life. You live your life in fear. You gotta take you chances. If you don't take the chance, how would you know?

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  • NoraBaker

    Holy fuck! Animal college must be awesome. Imagine all the classmates! I wouldn't change it for acting with a bunch of humans and their egos. That part is annoying. But whatever your gender, whatever point in a transition you may be, an actor is an actor.

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  • wigsplitz

    There's always porn.

    Google 'Buck Angel'.

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    • i know who he is, i respect his career choice, but at the same time i'm not going to fetishize myself or sell myself short for the sake of a career.
      couldn't really tell if this was a serious answer or not, but hey ho.

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      • wigsplitz

        Well he is an advocate and motivational speaker, maybe he can inspire you in some way. The porn thing was kinda a joke but the whole Buck Angel thing, I thought maybe could give you some kind of inspiration? I don't know, I'm just an average straight person, but I knew his story and porn aside I guess he's quite a figure.

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