Is it normal that i want to believe in jesus but...

I struggle to maintain this belief. I feel like I should deep down but I can't fully convince myself to. I believe in God, I believe in the holy spirit.Why can't I accept Christ? I feel like I need to fully understand him and his history, why there are parallels between him and Siddhartha Guatama, etc. Some might say that the parallels were put there to distract from the truth. I find this so confusing. It's hard to believe the story of Jesus was real and absolutely literal.

As for my background, my family is not super religious. My dad drilled a few beliefs in my head and those are the ones I question the most I think. I have always enjoyed exproling various religions, I love learning new things about them.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Short4Words

    I have the same struggles too. It was easy for me to believe in God but accepting Christ is still a struggle for me. The thing is, and what helped me, is that I asked Christ to live in my heart, and that's when something happened, not before, or after. I knew I felt myself being pulled to God before but my real testimony happened after I prayed to Christ.

    It's always good to challenge your beliefs but sometimes you have to take things on faith. In this instance though I think you should have full clarity.

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  • NeofelisNebulosa

    If you believe in God, why is it hard to believe in Jesus? They're supposed to be part of the Holy Trinity.

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  • tzrtzr125

    I advise you to read as much history as you can. You will find that Jesus was born a Jew, lived his life as a Jew and a Rabbi, and died as a Jew. Christianity only started hundreds of years after he died. He was a good and wise man but his words have been twisted over the years.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Jesus may have indeed existed, but to think that he was the son of gawd and came from an immaculate conception is absolute madness.

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  • SavedByGrace

    All I can say is that you should stop trying to comprehend the story of Jesus and just believe it by faith.

    HEBREWS 11:1:
    Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

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  • gloryholeflasher

    The whole issue boils down to parents and the heavy responsibility they have for the physical, emotional, and spiritual welfare of their children. If parents don't teach their children the truth about God, then somebody else will teach them a lie. Some parents can't teach that to their children because it wasn't taught to them. Some things in the Bible are interpreted as myth because they sound implausible, even impossible to us and so they can only be believed by faith. Jesus is not one of those things we have to take on faith. We can't prove that He was born of a virgin, but there is evidence this man lived, and reports of the things He did, and evidence that He was put to death on a cross with no evidence of having committed any crimes.

    Once in a while we hear news stories about a mother who jumps in front of a car, or goes back into a burning building, to save her child. That's the epitome of love. That's how love behaves itself.

    History of the early Christian church records that all of Jesus' apostles except one died a violent death because they were witnesses to who He was (is). Before their deaths they suffered persecution and stonings, and boiling in oil, and shipwreck, and imprisonment because they refused to stop teaching the truth about Jesus, a man they lived with and followed around and were taught by for three and a half years. These people weren't like today's TV evangelists. They weren't getting rich and famous. For the most part they were hated. But they as we say today, "if you're so sure you're right put your money where your mouth is"! They put their life where their mouth was.
    The Jesus they described was "love", similar to the love of the Mother in the previous paragraph, except even better, because His sacrifice was for all of us, even those who rufuse to belive in Him, or can't accept it.
    Jesus told His followers that He came to show us the Father, who is Love!

    Choosing whether or not to believe in Jesus is the most important decision one can make in life. If you choose to believe and follow in His footsteps you have been assured eternal life. If this really happens then this life is all worth it. If it doesn't happen, what have you lost? You still had the best life you could have while you were here.
    If you refuse to believe in Him and it turns out the He really IS then you have missed eternal life in a world that will know no crime or violence or hate or selfishness, and what did you get while you were here by being a nonbeliever??

    You owe it to yourself to spend a little time researching the issue of Jesus so that you can make an informed decision instead of guessing and hoping that you're right.

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    I'm not sure what to say I've never questioned Christ but I like what Short4Words said.

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  • Arm0se

    Just don't worry about. Religion cause more harm than good anyway.

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