Is it normal that i want to kill women who cheat on their boyfriend/husband?

I don't what it is about me that makes just want to torture and rip apart a women who cheats.I already know why i started to want to do that,but i don't know why i still want to do it.
It's a little weird but every time i see or read something about a girl cheating on her boyfriend or(most of the time) her husband,it just makes me so mad that i just want to murder every single girl who has an affair.

Voting Results
41% Normal
Based on 59 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 93 )
  • charli.m

    What about men who cheat?

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    • RoseIsabella

      Thumbs up!!!

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    • for some reason i doesn't really matter to me if a guy cheats,but i already know why i don't care.But i do think that it should be equally distributed among all men and women! :)

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      • charli.m

        Well no, equal distribution isn't the main problem here. You're majorly over reacting to something that Iis not likely to actually affect you personally with a completely irrational and violent response. I just wanted to know if you were also a double standards fucktard :)

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        • ohhh,so do u think i am a double standards type?
          P.S. not asking this sarcastically.

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          • charli.m

            Then you must be retarded.


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            • u really think im retarded.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Why don't you care?

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        • i saw my mother cheating on my father when i was a little kid.Then they got divorced a while after but i kept it secret and only ever told one person,except u of course :)

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          • eastbeast

            That's probably why you feel this way, your safe, dependable family unit was parted by, from your point of view, your Mother.

            Which is very understandable, however do you know the full story, perhaps speaking with your Mother about the whole thing might help.

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            • yeah,when i was old enough to understand what all that was i kind of figured it out,but i never want to talk about it with her.I've only ever talked with someone once about it,but like i ever want to talk about it with my mother i already know why she did it and she ruined my life,because it would be a lot better if she had not have done that i'm like 80% sure that it would be.and i mean if u think about it my life would be in a way better place right now because even if she still did it she could of at least closed the door so i wouldn't have been traumatized and wanting to kill women who cheat! thx tho sorry for the rant just needed to vent a little:)

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          • RoseIsabella

            Damn, I'm sorry.

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            • its OK! :D

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  • 213

    When you cheat who is going to kill you?

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    • i would never cheat on a girl ever!
      But i dont even know if i want a girl or not because im too afraid of myself and what would happen if she ever cheated on me.

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      • 213

        ok one day if you cheat on your gf or wife make sure you kill yourself

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        • well who knows,the world is a mysterious place i might just end up with somebody,but if i ever cheat ill be sure to do that.But for the most part ill just be cashing checks and breakin necks(of cheaters).

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          • NYXX

            I love how some random troll just assumes that you're gonna cheat just to veneer his disapproval fueled by your opinion. So mature this one is.

            I personally hope you do break the necks of cheaters, but I think castration would work even better. Let them live celibate for the rest of their lives; yet even this wouldn't equate to the pain some of us suffer. The one who is cheated on suffers FAR more than these fools will ever give credit to. They are the ones who are selfish, yet they act like they give a fuck if some cheating maggot dies. Pure comedy.

            If this wasn't <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I'd consider it Satire.

            (btw I've never been cheated on as I never gave anyone the chance to cheat - what's the use in relationshits these daze? Just look at isitnormal and your picture is already painted black).

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          • 213

            lol ok

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  • Unimportant

    It's normal.
    If you are a psycho.

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    • i am not(maybe)i dont know!

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      • NYXX

        lol "psycho" - another unscientific cop out people use to put others down for their differing opinions. I love how anyone uses this word or 'crazy' to justify their disapproval of someone else's opinion without even knowing who they're talking about.

        I know lots of people with so much more empathy than this lout who would have a mental breakdown if their "loved" one cheated on them, but these fools wouldn't understand that let alone empathize with it.
        Just wait and watch columbine happen over and over again as more idiots think cheating is normal and righteous. Let them keep eating the shit while they're heads up in their asses as shit's all they know how to talk without backing it up.

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  • CountessDouche

    Ugh...yeah, cheaters are cunts, but murder is pretty excessive, crazy pants.

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    • your a crazy pant's :)

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      • CountessDouche

        Well...yeah...but that's besides the point ;)

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        • :O lol!!!

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        • :O

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        • :D

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  • thegypsysailor

    Hey, I've got a great idea. Let's take women who cheat (and some who get raped, too) and put them in a public square and stone them to death. Sounds like a just punishment, don't you think?
    I wonder why no one has thought of this before?

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    • really?
      i mean yeah id go for the girls who cheat but i dont consider rape a form of cheating so i would not want too punish them at all!!!

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  • NYXX

    First of all, don't feel guilty just cause a bunch of sheep are saying it's not 'normal' - which shouldn't matter anyway cause in Nazi Germany it was NORMAL to respect and liege to Hitler.

    Second: I totally understand and Empathize with you as imo your reaction to cheating should be far more natural and HUMAN than most of what society has come to. You go on isitnormal and see questions like "is it normal that i let my dog lick my pussy" and "is it normal that i cheat on my husband" and you get 70%+ normal!! Yet when someone is naturally angry over people who break one another's hearts, which wreaks far more pain in someone's life than if they were murdered - everyone seems to think it's 'despicable' and 'syck'. So where are all you morons when women are fucking their dogs behind their husbands backs to say that it's not normal and it's syck? Nevermind that normalcy is just a general/subjective perspective anyway.

    It boils my blood to see so many people who can't empathize with how the Asker is feeling, yet will go on to empathizE with cheaters and those who are into bestiality, especially if the case is a Woman, cause if it were a male everyone would hate him just for being born with a phallus between his legs.

    "OP", I wouldn't waste my time and energy asking random people on the internet to justify my feelings; if you're upset about something then there is a good reason to be!! Many more people would be just as upset over cheating if they had their heads out of their asses but the media has done a great job of desensitizing people to cheating, disloyalty and disrespect especially when it comes to relationshits these daze.

    You know that something is effed up in the world when it's seen as 'normal' to fuck your dog behind your husband's back, yet not normal to be angry at it!!!

    SMFH sometimes I wonder if it's best for the human race to die off and leave this universe in peace.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Wow. I think I'm the only one who doesn't think cheating is the end of the world. I don't think I would ever do it, but people cheat for many reasons. Usually because they are unhappy. It would be better if they broke up with their partner first, but life isn't so simple as that.

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    • eastbeast

      Its not always as black and white as simply being horny.

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      • i get what your saying,but i cant help it it's way too late for me to go back to being the person i was before that traumatizing moment when my whole world was turned upside down,even if i did not know it at the time.

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        • howaminotmyself

          You ned to move past the trauma. I bet your parents were deeply unhappy beforw that event. It is a shame you had to witness that and it is likely you would have been traumatized if you caught your parents having sex with each other. But imagine what staying together in a miserable marriage would do to you. Wishing death on people, women specifically, is the wrong way to seek solace for your issues.

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          • yeah i get u,but like i said in the comments above i cant just stop this,I've been like this for years now.but little by little to try and get past this.Wish me luck:)
            P.S. I did see my parents having sex one time,but that story is for another time my friend.and i know that they were probably unhappy but it just messed me up as a kid,man/woman
            thx 4 trying 2 help tho :)

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            • howaminotmyself

              Did you not want help? Or are you seeking justification for your feelings? It's okay to be angry. But it isn't okay to judge others for actions that are none of your business.

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  • reallyalthea

    This has multiple of opinions ..

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  • Same...Ish. People who cheat (male or female) have a special place in hell cut out specifically for them. If it were acceptable I would have them there sooner rather than later. It's the worst type of betrayal.

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    • NYXX

      Absolutely. You're just one of the few people in this society that has a soul and mind of his/her own. Unfortunately many people are cyborgs these days... until it happens to them they couldn't care less what others feel. You're seen as insane in this world for having emotions.

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    • Ellenna

      There is no hell except the one you're creating for yourself with all this pointless resentment and hatred

      I can think of LOTS worse betrayals than infidelity: how about men who rape partners who trust them or sexually abuse children?

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      • True.

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      • NYXX

        See, what you're doing here is making assumptions for the ways OTHER people feel. Who are you to say cheating doesn't hurt more to some people than even rape? I'm a PTSD sufferer and being cheated on would hurt me just as much.

        Not to mention the misandry in your comment about how you mention MEN who rape and the implication of child abuse, since the media shows men abusing children far more than women. You could have just as easily brought up the fact that many women are cheating and divorcing their husbands with someone else's kids who the husband has to pay for - Never mind the fact that most men lose custody of their child rights to 'domestic violence' which a lot of times is not even the case, but a lie inculcated by the 'victim' who is the perpetrator. You think these men don't suffer for losing custody of their own children over nothing? But you wouldn't be fair because you subconsciously have a distaste for the male gender as society has conditioned you to - yes I know you will disagree, but that's why it's called *subliminal programming*.

        Nor will I go into a debate with you over the politics behind it as it will go no where. Just like you stated your Opinion so am I stating mine. You seem to think that your opinion of what's 'worse' is universal, but it isn't.

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        • Ellenna

          Are you seriously suggesting that most rape and child sexual abuse isn't committed by men? Please note I am saying MOST, not all.

          I do not believe you can compare the painful effects of cheating which happens in a relationship between adults, to the effects of sexual abuse on a child or of the violence of rape on anyone of any age.

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          • NYXX

            I have been through abuse myself and for me PERSONALLY cheating would be far more painful, but I place emphasis on romance more than most people do. Things aren't so black and white.

            And yes, there is a lot of propaganda and politics behind what the media claims to be 'truth' versus what is really true. Like I said, this argument with you will go over no where, but I'll point out my opinion just as you have yours in the name of fairness. BeLieve what you want to believe, but I'll say that you're missing the bigger picture here with your assumptions and subjective statements.

            You think fathers who lose custody of their children over lies because the court system supports the female even if the husband has committed no crimes is not as painful? Why not be fair when making statements about the subjectivity of emotional pain? Your comments are subconsciously misandrist, and so my comments will seek to balance this out and point out the opposite, which is often times being overlooked.

            There is subliminal programming going on everywhere in the media and you're just another victim of it without realizing it. Research the truth about how the media is lying about domestic violence numbers and rape allegations, a lot of which don't truly happen, yet the male gets into trouble and loses his job, family, life... but he's insignificant in your mind. You wouldn't admit it but you are being extremely one sided and misandrist on a subconscious level.

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            • Ellenna

              I have been through child sexual abuse, domestic violence, assaults by both male and female lovers and rape by a male, which has resulted in PTSD. I also lost custody of my 5 year old daughter because her father's lies about me were believed by the court so I do know how painful that can be.

              I've also worked in the family violence and sexual violence fields since the 70's and it's been very difficult until recently to get the media to take any notice of these issues. My views on these issues are not formed by any subliminal brainwashing by the media but by personal and work experience.

              Regarding untrue rape allegations, the man who raped me has been getting away with it in the same community for more than 40 years and has only been charged once and it wasn't proceeded with because he terrified the woman into not giving evidence against him. Most women don't report rape, most cases don't get to court and of those that do, most rapists aren't convicted. Same for child sexual abuse, which is predominantly commmitted by men.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Very, true. Infidelity is a terrible betrayal, but when it comes to things like rape and any kind of child abuse, especially sexual abuse my hear breaks for the victims. I find myself near speechly, and all I can think or say is, "there but for the grace of God go I".

        I hope and pray those victims get the justice they deserve or at least the grace of God to carry on and heal their deep wounds, their trauma.

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        • NYXX

          I've had PTSD from childhood abandonment and being left out in the street, but still view cheating as far worse, but this depends on the Person's emotional character and mentality more than anything else. It's an assumption to think one is 'worse' than the other based on anecdotes or personal experience. I'd rather die than be cheated on. Heck, the rampancy of cheating everywhere causes more pain to me (and I haven't been in a relationship to be cheated on) more than bipolar/ptsd/aspergers most of the time. But then I value romance, which I understand not many people do.

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          • RoseIsabella

            I'm those awful things happened to you, and I wish I had something more helpful and constructive to say.

            I hate when people act like cheating isn't a big deal, but I think there are people who have thought of cheating that way since the dawn of time. I personally see cheating as a grave betrayal. I honestly think that a person who cheats on his or her husband or wife is someone of poor character who's not worthy of trust. People make all sorts of excuses for cheating, but as far as I'm concerned it boils down to a lack of commitment and a lack of courage. I figure a person can either stay committed then work to repair and improve the relationship or if the differences are irreconcilable then the person can leave the relationship and have the courage to be alone. Many people are weak, selfish and greedy; they want to have their cake and eat it too.

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            • NYXX

              I totally agree. Didn't mean to come across as rude with the way I responded btw. This topic just irks me to the point of creating physical symptoms and most people don't seem to fathom how anyone could feel so hurt, as many people these daze only seem to want sex without love, when the two are hand in glove to me and always have been. Ever since I was a child 6-7 I wanted romance, but the way people view sex these daze has completely ruined coitus for me.

              I suffer everyday because of this and it just doesn't feel natural to me; I know this within my heart no matter how many people are conditioned to think it's not 'normal'. Normalcy doesn't equate to the reality for some of us!

              Cheating is a bigger deal to me and person A than with person B. Just the same as with swinging or polygamy; I'm not against it but what I don't like to hear is people claiming that desiring a monogamous relationship is 'unnatural' without knowing me or others who desire it, let alone those who have lived it for 80+ years in bliss without a single thought of having other partners. People read a mainstream article (from jezebell or other commercial sites) and seem to think whatever that's written is set in stone and 'scientific', when even the science is monopolized to suite the needs of bankers... long story.

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    • RoseIsabella

      ... and to think some people think you're a misogynist. Bah, I think you're right on time about this one!
      Male or female, gay or straight, cheating is for selfish cowards! I sincerely used to, and sometimes still do, wanna drag my first ex husband and his, frizzy haired, blonde bitch right straight to hell. I don't know that they're gonna end up in Hell for sure, but I'm pretty confident they'll have a long hot, uncomfortable wait, I hear purgatory is like west Texas. Yuck!

      P.S. I can't say that I've completely forgiven them, but at least I don't get the same enraged adrenaline rush when thoughts of them arise in my head that I used to before.

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      • Ellenna

        I don't know many people who haven't been cheated on at one time or another but at some point you have to move on and let go of all this bullshit hatred & wishing for revenge: who is that harming? Not them, you!

        There is no such thing as purgatory by the way

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        • RoseIsabella

          I understand, respect and appreciate your perspective on forgiveness and letting go of resentments. Believe it or not my above comment is a marked improvement from the past. I might logically make a decision to forgive someone, but often times my emotions tell me otherwise. The lack of the old nauseating adrenaline rush I used to get is progress for someone as sick as me. I'm sure that in time and with continued prayer, meditation, work with a qualified therapist, etcetera, such personal issues will improve for me. I wish it were a more simple endeavor for me, but it isn't. Recovery, whether it's from mental illness, a near debilitating personality disorder or even an addiction is a journey and not a destination.

          You're free to believe whatever you wish regarding Heaven, Hell and Purgatory, but as for myself I still believe. I'll probably just be disappointed. Meh.

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          • Ellenna

            Actually I wasn't talking about forgiveness because no matter how many times it's explained to me from different perspectives - including the once widely held but now discredited notion that one has to forgive before one can heal - I just don't get it.

            Nothing I can do can wipe the slate clean, which is what I was taught as a child was forgiveness in the christian belief system: if it means not being ruled by resentment against the person but still protecting myself from him/them if necessary and rebuilding my life after trauma, then yes, I'm all for that and am still in that process now, but forgiveness? No, nothing anyone can do can wipe out an action in the past, so why try?

            I totally agree with you about healing being a journey, not a destination, but I still wish I were on a less exhausting and painful journey and I will not forgive the person who caused me to have to deal with all this while he goes on doing what he did to me, to other women and nothing is done to stop him.

            I'm not talking about "getting over" past trauma either, because I don't think that's possible in a lot of cases, I'm talking about rebuilding my life in a way that moves me away from the trauma and learning not to let the past affect the future any more than I can help.

            Leave out the prayers, heaven, hell and purgatory and I reckon you and I agree totally with each other, don't you?

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            • RoseIsabella

              Right on. I try to do my best, but for a lot of people, especially those in my family of origin, my best is not enough. It's so frustrating. I have to work a lot on detachment when it comes to family.

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  • ibs

    This should apply equally to men. But yes, cheating should be punishable by death.

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    • Ellenna

      Death? Are you serious?

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    • On a side note, I think it used to be that way in Ireland.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        it still is in the middle east and just looky how advanced and rational them peoples is

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        • RoseIsabella

          Yeah, they some crazy mutha rucksack.

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        • That's true, but I didn't think many people would expect that from Ireland.

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            st pats days comin so anythins possible

            drunks? leprechauns? drunk leprechauns?

            its all good

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      • RoseIsabella

        This may sound like a stupid question, but did they punish all adulterers in Ireland or just adulteresses. How were they punished?

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      • Ellenna

        Probably they were following the old testament which has a lot about the wickedness of "unfaithful" women (including the punishment for rape victim/survivors) but not much about the sexual sins of men - funny that, wonder who wrote it?

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        • That's what I thought too.

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          • Ellenna

            Amazing how those 2000 year old attitudes still exist isn't it? Now I wonder who benefits from perpetuating them? Certainly not women ......

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  • mannyboy56

    I bet your mom messed up on your dad right......sounds like a child hood problem .

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  • jusmyluck

    Cheating is wrong but to have thoughts of killing someone is wrong as well.

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  • TareBear20

    I can't stand cheating.

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    • me too!its like we are the SAME!

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      • NYXX

        You have EVERY RIGHT to be OP!
        Don't ever let the majority's opinion make you feel guilty or bad about how you naturally feel! The ones who are calling you syck might as well look in the mirror. People think it's normal for a woman to fuck her 'cute' dog behind her HUSBAND's back yet it's not normal to be pissed off at it??? WTF has the world come to eh?

        It was once "normal" to support Adolf Hitler, so fucking what? Just cause group-think (sheep think) says it's normal for someone to break another's heart (let alone someone they chose to marry!) doesn't make it 'right'. The result is more and more angry people - who woulda thunk?

        I'm willing to bet about 90% of the people who said it's not normal are cheaters or future cheaters themselves. Worthless lives I say. I've seen women tell men to kill themselves over their 'ugliness' or height, or hate on the homeless, yet being angry at a cheating bitch (aka useless maggot) is not normal??? lol let them think that cause their opinions are generated by a brain cell count ov 2.

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  • Crusades|

    It's only normal if the woman's name is Samantha.

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    • eastbeast

      Someone here is named Samantha.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Is that your ex?
      Submit her mailing and email addresss to the Scientologists, Amway and any other annoying cult like groups of assholes.

      I once knew a crazy guy who broke into his ex-wife's car and pooped in her backseat. I'm not recommending it, but I still think it's funny as hell.

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    • got it! :)

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      • RoseIsabella

        Well, this isn't very nice, but I hope that two timing, trifflin ass bitch gets hers. I hope instant Karma gets all the cheaters whether they are male or female; I hope it looks em right in the face and then poops on them!

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        • NYXX

          I have a little tiny bit of hope seeing this comment. Most people would equate cheating with being 'sexually active' while they hate on a dude for being upset over it. Hypocrazy.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Thanks, I figure what's good for the goose is goose for the gander.

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