Is it normal that i was diagnosed with anemia?

Not long ago my doctor concluded that I'm suffering from anemia and that I'm not producing enough red blood cells. He told me to book an iron infusion and see how things go from there. Is this normal? I admit I feel tired a lot.

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100% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • olderdude-xx

    A certain % of the population do indeed develop anemia for various reasons.

    The diagnosis would have been by blood testing (its very clear to see it in the test results)

    I recommend that you schedule the iron treatment, ASAP.

    Then look for a cause of the anemia.

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    How did he “conclude” it? It must be verified by lab test before taking such a step as an infusion. You may be able to cure by taking iron pills or eating liver which is very high in iron. Spinach and greens too.

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    • He requested a follow up for a blood test I had back then. I don't have enough red blood cells and the blood loss is unexplained so I had to do samples to figure out the cause.

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  • sweetone89

    But what is causing the anemia?

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  • Should be diagnosed after looking at the blood work. If blood doesn't show it then its not anemia.

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