Is it normal that i woke up with the thought that russians might be aliens?

Because they are so secretive, such a closed off society and technologically advanced.... I woke up thinking that maybe this is because they can time travel (maybe not yet, but their future selves might have messaged them to let them know they could) which could explain some paranormal phenomena.

Of course this made perfect sense when I first woke up. Now I'm struggling to make sense of it myself and I probably sound like an idiot.

Anyhow, is it normal to wake up with epiphanies like this?

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31% Normal
Based on 16 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Redcoats

    I highly doubt it but anything's possible (:

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  • yvanchiyuck

    who knows. some say we are all aliens colonized here after the dinosaurs. after all, is it not peculiar that we are the only advanced being on this planet? why don't dogs speak or use cars and phones?

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  • RoseIsabella

    Russian mobsters are scary. Have you ever seen a movie called Eastern Promises?

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    • I have not. I'll look into it.

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  • Arm0se

    You think Russia is secretive and technologically advanced? Every country has secrets it keeps from it's people, and why wouldn't they? Do you have any idea what kind of chaos would ensue if the government told it's people EVERYTHING? No, you don't. You know why? Because they haven't told you. No government tells it's people everything, much less people of other nations. People keep secrets for a reason, governments keep greater secrets for greater reasons. It's not our place to know everything. Maybe somethings, but not everything.

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    • Dude... I just woke up like this. I am a bit of a conspiracy theorist and I agree with you to some extent, but I don't think that's the way things are supposed to be and I can live with it, but I can never accept that as my place.

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  • thegypsysailor

    If they are not in Russia, then they are definitely aliens, where ever they are.
    Please explain why you think that they are "technologically advanced"? Other than armaments, I don't believe they have any technological exports, and those are well out of date. Hell, in over 80 years they haven't even managed to design and manufacture and automobile that is worth exporting.

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    • That we know of... They're not very well going to export their most advanced, secretive technologies. With the advice of their time traveling descendants, they know better ;)

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      • thegypsysailor

        LOL, OK. They'd rather have half their population at near starvation levels than build a decent auto? Really,that's pretty far fetched.
        For fuck's sake, if the Russians had time travel, they would have avoided pitfalls of communism and the failure of the USSR and been the dominant country on earth. Nope, you're way over the edge on this one, pal.

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        • They're too busy building UFOs? Ensuring the fate of the few over the many subjectively pointless lives?

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  • CIA Factbook.

    Russia is the most corrupt "developed" country in the world.

    I highly doubt time travel is being developed in Siberia.

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    • Honestly I don't know much about Russia. I don't know why my sleepy self was thinking this at all.

      That said, present day Siberia may not be, but who knows what the future holds? Aside from, you know, Russia. They might know.

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