Is it normal that i wonder about unusual things?

My wife thinks I'm weird because of some of the questions I come up with.

I wonder, when we get to Heaven will we have to mow the lawn, or will the grass just naturally grow the perfect height?

I wonder what it was like for God when His first two children, Adam & Eve, had their first baby. There was nobody else on earth, and no maternity wards. Did God act as the "midwife"? Was He a proud Grandpa? Do you suppose he stopped by on weekends to take his first grandson fishing, and teach him how to skip stones on the water.

is it normal that I think of such things?

This question is directed at believers only. If you don't believe in God feel free to skip this question and go on to the next one.

Voting Results
86% Normal
Based on 28 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • Arm0se

    I can answer one of those.

    Adam and Eve were the FIRST two people, not the ONLY two people. Who was Cain’s wife, after all?

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    • gloryholeflasher

      Adam and Eve being the first two people were ALSO the ONLY people on earth until they produced a child. My question pertains to the birth of their first son, Abel. Cain wasn't there yet, so neither was Cain's wife.

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      • Ellenna

        But where did Cain's wife come from later on if everyone was descended from Adam & Eve? I got into trouble for asking this when I was a child but I've still never had an answer from any christian I've asked

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      • Arm0se

        Oh, well I thought the ridiculousness of child birth was part of their punishment. Like they fucked up, so now they had to figure it out on their own.

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        • mysistersshadow

          Are you guys really sure Eve was the first woman? I was raised Baptist but really don't know what I believe now but a jewish girl I knew told me a interesting story about what they believe and Eve was not the woman.

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          • Arm0se

            Oh. I don't really BELIEVE any of it. I'm just going by what's written down.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Is it normal to assume that Adam and Eve probably didn't have bellybuttons? Honestly, I don't really believe in Adam and Eve, but rather I believe it's a metaphorical story.

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  • xfg13

    I am right with you on this one. I have a tight-knit social circle of family, friends and fellow church-goers who would judge me harshly for asking anything even slightly out of the ordinary. So to satisfy my curiosity about sex and the human body, I check out books from the local children's library. Maybe you could do the same for whatever subject you're interested in.

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  • Lifeistooshorttotakeseriously

    No it's not normal. You reject 1000 gods but because I'm an atheist and reject 1001 gods I need your permission to feel free and answer the next question? Listen to your wife. Just because you believe in god doesn't excuse you from rational thought. Not only is the stuff you come up with weird it is totally irrelevant to the ears of anyone with ears. You need to shut up.

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    • Arm0se

      Because atheists are usually stuck up shit heads that make themselves look like bigger idiots than they think other people are. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but I've never met one that wasn't like you.

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      • Lifeistooshorttotakeseriously

        Maybe try harder? Not feeling the love of The Lord flowing freely - dare yourself to practice what you preach. Hugs! X

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    • gloryholeflasher

      So, I went to a seminar in Chicago recently. The speaker began by saying that he was from Denver. "Anybody here from Denver? Let me see your hands", he said. Some hillbilly in the front row hollered out, "hey, I'm from Chattanooga. Why are you excluding me? I'm a good person, too." Well, maybe it's because you're NOT from Denver, moron!

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      • Lifeistooshorttotakeseriously

        How truly fascinating! A seminar eh. With geographical questions no less Religion isn't a prerequisite for knowing a fool when you come across one.

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        • gloryholeflasher

          You're sort of like a Timex watch. You just don't stop. If you put this much effort into getting educated you would be accomplishing something! My question was specifically NOT directed at people like you because I was trying to have an intelligent conversation with people who believe as I do. You chose to butt in uninvited and make a fool of yourself.

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          • Lifeistooshorttotakeseriously

            Priceless! Sore cheeks from laughter. Love the whole Orwellian vibe you have going on. It's like being amidst a flock of angry wet sheep. Reminds me of Animal Farm (now that's a good book!) Learned something new here never heard of Timex?! Mine says Rolex. Thanks again! Carry on...

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