Is it normal that i would prefer to stay single?
I've never had any long-term romantic relationships in the past... they've always lasted for a few months at the most, and typically ended with the other person leaving. However, I've been with my most recent partner for over a year and a half at this point, and we've also been living together for over a year.
Over time, I've started thinking that things aren't working out, and I could never think of a specific reason, just that I was happier when I was single. I've also considered that perhaps I just don't like the idea of living with someone else and I would have similar issues if I lived with a roommate, but don't have any personal experience to back this up.
Part of me just thinks that I prefer the freedom of being single, compared to the commitments one has to make when they're with someone else, having to be available for any favors or tasks that they might require of me.
Also the freedom of being able to go out and do what I want whenever I like and not being metaphorically tied-down.
I think a lifestyle that I would prefer is one where I continue dating various people without ever settling down, but this doesn't seem like a type of lifestyle that many people seem to live, and I worry that I might be stringing people along by dating them with no plans to take things any further than that.
Is this normal?