Is it normal that im afraid of ladybugs
I'm afraid of ladybugs because there an insect but they don't bite and now all my friends think I'm a pussy help
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I'm afraid of ladybugs because there an insect but they don't bite and now all my friends think I'm a pussy help
I think they're adorable little aphid killing machines! I buy them by the box an put them in the garden. I also love watching them crawl on my hands. I would love to get all dolled up and take some artistic photographs with them crawling on my face.
Ladybugs are so pretty and helpful, I honestly can't understand what you're afraid of here.
Completely normal, everybody has their own individual bug fear. For instance I'm terrified of water bugs.
Why? They are so cute and lovable...i wish i can own i can kiss its little insect cheek lol
Learn to love them. Any gardener/botanist that is in turn with nature, will know how beneficial it is to have ladybugs especially, in organic agriculture.