Iin:that im scared of big roaches?
Everytime i see one of those big roaches anywhere i get scared.They have like a million legs and their antennaes are really big and they fly!!! They look really creepy :(
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Everytime i see one of those big roaches anywhere i get scared.They have like a million legs and their antennaes are really big and they fly!!! They look really creepy :(
Yes, that is completely normal, because roaches are disgusting disease carriers. I used to be very afraid of roaches myself.
Spiders on the other hand are beautiful and I have love and respect for them. I even had a little hairy spider that lived in the frame of my canopy bed when I was a little girl and it never bothered me one bit.
You know what would be worse? Large roaches that fly. Yech. I can't stand roaches and the like. When I was younger, I was terrified of them and I had to leave the room until the roach was killed.
When I was a teenager I was once camping in the backyard in a tent and woke up one morning to find a roach crawling on me and ever since then I've an even stronger dislike for them but I wouldn't say I'm scared of them.