Is it normal that im so insecure about myself i cant be my own person ??

Im so insecure about myself, the way i act, every little thing i say, the way i dress, look, talk .. around other people. i always feel like people are judging me. sometimes i even think when people laugh around me they are really laughing and talking about me. one time i spent hours getting ready to go out, while i was walking from the parking garage to meet up with my friends i saw someone give me a weird look and then laugh to the person there walking with. i felt so horrible that she was making fun of me that i turned around went back to my car and drove to my apt. its so confusing to me, i used to be such a carefree dont give a fuck type of person .. now i am paranoid out of my mind and i hate it !!

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Comments ( 6 )
  • ishitpandas

    Same here /:

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  • Pisslan616

    Learn to not give a fuck what people think about you. I know that is easier said than done. I know it's not nice to have someone laughing at you but even if they are, so what? Ask yourself why you care what their opinion is.

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  • flow3rdrift3r

    thanks guys i only ever want to be myself ... ill just keep telling my brain to stop over reacting haha

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  • karmasAbich

    I was going through that for years. im just starting to regain my "self" as they say. Meditation and motivation really helped me as well as speaking my feelings to the People I trust.

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  • Abnormallynormal

    Be ur self...people respect that over anything even matter how strange or weird a person is

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  • thats_embarassing

    I have the exact same problem. It's not as severe as it has been in the past, though. (I believe it might have to do with the fact that I'm on anti-depressants, but that's beside the point.) I've found a way to cope. A rather...negative one.

    -get an unattractive friend
    -problem solved.

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