Is it normal that im terrified of rabies?

I don't have many phobias but this is something I think obsessively about all the time. Im terrified of rabies, I know getting it is pretty rare but its affected me so much that I don't want to take walks outside anymore and Im worried every day I ask my son did he touch any animals and how did he get this or that little scratch etc. I don't let my cat go on the porch anymore. There are bats in some bamboo near my house and I wont even drive that way because I cant stand the thought that they might be rabid. Its really bothering me.

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37% Normal
Based on 41 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • kupokupo

    RAA RAA RAA RAA RAA... Sorry just a furball.

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    • iEatZombies_

      Ah crap.
      *Cleans up mess*
      It's ok, poor kitty.
      *Mumbles* Stupid cat.

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  • Pika-girl

    Don't worry, I'm pretty afraid of it, too. But just remember that rabies in animals is normal. It's just basically having hydrophobia. But I think you have a very strong fear of it. Try to force yourself to take even a short walk. When you get home... see what happened.

    But, my sister and I do shippings and use "Rabies" as a code name for "BBRae". (It's actually "Rae-B's" so like "rabies".)

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    • wistfulmaiden


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  • Couman

    Isn't there a vaccine you can get.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      There is but you have to get it within a few days of getting bitten. My fear is that Ill get infected without knowing like getting a tiny scratch from a bat or something. I know its really unlikely but its one of my irrational fears.

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      • Couman

        No, I mean to get in advance, so you won't have to worry as much. It's not routinely used, but I'm sure you could get it if you were traveling to India or something.

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        • wistfulmaiden

          I wonder fi they could give me rabies shots just because...? I could tell them I was scratched by a strange animal then I would be good for a while.

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          • Couman

            I think the post-exposure treatment involves more than just the vaccine, so telling them you were traveling into a high risk area is probably better.

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            • wistfulmaiden

              thanks. this could actually help me even though its giving in to an irrational fear but then I cant get rabies for sure.

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  • thegypsysailor

    There are many island nations that have no rabies. If this is a serious problem for you, you could move to one. It would be better than letting your fears rule your life. How would you think that the rabies would get at you, thought the metal and glass of your car? That's just silly.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      nah I worry that me or my son will get a scratch or a bite from a fruit bat or a stray animal and wont even notice until after were infected. There are a lot of bats where I live.
      I do like Hawaii so Ill keep that in mind if I win the lottery :)

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    • Hawaii is one of them.

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  • Jholl

    I know this is 5 years later, but have you overcome your fear?

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  • delling

    It's as normal as any other mental disorder. After learning about how horrible and hopeless rabies is, I've been a lot more freaked out by it, but it doesn't really impact my overall mental health.

    So yeah, it's understandable to have a phobia, even one that limits your life. Everyone's allowed to have one. Mine is stinging insects. But it's not something you want to carry around any longer than you have to.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      Im scared of them too! I once jumped from a moving car cause I thought there was a bee in there.
      Yah Im a bit neurotic.

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  • noid

    Poor cats. They can be out if they get their yearly rabies vaccines.

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  • Here in Texas it isn't uncommon to have a bat get in the house every now and then. The rule of thumb is usually that if you wake up and discover a bat in the house that morning or during the day to automatically go to the doctor or hospital and get rabies vaccines. Sometimes you can be bitten by a bat while sleeping and wake up with no significant pains or marks. Bats are usually the main culprit of carrying rabies. Once you start feeling the first signs and symptoms of rabies getting the vaccines wont help and it is almost always a death sentence. Although there was a girl who was cured of rabies by being put into a medically induced coma while the major symptoms of the rabies passed. She is the only known survivor of rabies. she was also bitten by a bat and decided not to get the vaccine afterwards.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      yes I saw that story and it kind of freaked me out...I dint realize rabies was so common and there are a lot of rabid animals found around here every year. I just saw the animal control pick up a raccoon that looked drunk a few weeks ago. Thousands of people in Asia and Africa die of rabies per year.

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      • You are probably completely rabid. You have infected many people unknowingly, you carrier.

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  • grumpycowpyjamas114

    Get that checked out.

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  • VeganKiller365

    If you see a dog without a collar, RUN

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    • Running from a mysterious dog is not the best idea. It is best to avoid making eye contact and keep a calm body language while walking past it. I have been attacked by many dogs in the past and I have learned that running right away can sometimes make it way worse.

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      • Pika-girl

        I've read that the best way to greet a dog is by standing without making eye contact. (You got that correct! :D)

        Also... No:

        Bending down
        Patting awkwardly

        There's more, but you have learnt so much.

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      • VeganKiller365

        Then shoot it in the head

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  • DaMan

    your being a pussy
    Man the FUCK UP
    Buy a gun

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    • wistfulmaiden

      Im not a man. I have a gun.
      what worries me is that you can get a tiny scratch or bite and not realize it like from a bat and by the time you realize you have the symptoms which are pretty horrible btw its too late. I worry more about my son than me getting it.

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